When we first got married I was always cold and the heat in the house drove Donnie bonkers. He hates being too hot. He doesn't care that our electric bill is $500 in the summer, he is going to have the AC running constantly so he remains cool. Cold enough that I sleep under a quilt. In the summer.
But lately, (and I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with me being 40) things have changed. He is always turning up the heat in the house. Our bedroom has become a sauna at night! I hate it! I like to sleep under a bunch of blankets, but now the room is so hot I can't even breath if I have a sheet on me.
Last week I developed a cough, and accidentally discovered that cold air makes it stop. In addition, HOT air makes it really, really bad. So sleeping doesn't happen in our hot room. I cough until I could throw up from it. So I asked Donnie to let me try sleeping with the window open. He wasn't too keen on that but we tried it. I slept GREAT! But the cold makes Donnie hack up a lung. Great! Plus it is hard to get out of bed in the cold.
I took pity on him the other night and decided to try the window shut again. I hacked until 2:30 when Donnie couldn't stand it anymore and opened the window for me. lol Then he woke up in the morning and hacked until I couldn't sleep anymore.
Even without the coughing, I sleep so much better with the window open! What is up with that? I hate being cold, HATE it. And yet I suddenly love the cold room! I don't feel cold at all under the covers and Donnie says it is really, really cold in the room. It was so cold we froze Sam out of our room, and he LOVES being cold, even having blue fingers and lips!
I don't have hot flashes, but could this be the beginning of something not so wonderful coming my way? Pre-menopause? Not sure our marriage will survive the Cold Front that is moving in! We are thinking of getting separate rooms! haha