Our 7 Qtpies

January 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #2

Thirteen stupid things people say to large families.

1. Are they all yours?
2. Don't you know what causes that?
3. Boy, you sure have your hands full.
4. Why would you WANT so many kids?
5. Haven't you heard about birth control?
6. You are overpopulating the world!
7. Are you done yet?
8. Are you crazy!
9. Better you than me!
10. How can you possibly give them everything they need/enough love?
11. Are you Catholic or Mormon?
12. Are you trying for your own sports team?
13. How will you pay for all of their college?

Watch next week for 13 replies to those 13 comments! A bit funny, a bit sassy, and a bit of love.

Check out other Thursday Thirteens here!

11 people think my kids are qtpies:

K said...

A great post!! I love large families and you'd never catch me saying any of those things. The more the merrier, imo. I hope to have at least seven kids of my own one day!! Can't wait to see your list next week. :)

Thanks for stopping by my Thurs. 13 earlier!

JAM said...

That's fantastic. If you want them and can deal with everything, then that's what you should do.

A girl I went to high school with had ten, plus two miscarriages. They were the best behaved kids in town and everybody knew it. She home schooled them all until high school age and put them in our church's school for high school.

You're blessed!

Karla Porter Archer said...

my brother has 5 kids and hears this stuff a lot. Heck, I hear it with only 3. People can't believe you'd want more than 2.345 kids....

(Thanks for visiting my T13!!)

alisonwonderland said...

as one of 7 kids, i heard these growing up! i'm looking forward to reading your replies next week!

thanks for stopping by my list!

Aunt Murry said...

Love it...can't wait for the replies. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

Someone once told us that we were going to need our own zipcode! I've heard all the ones on your list as well. I will be back for the replies. I have a few favorite of my own.


Bonny said...

Hey - I think I've heard every single one of those! :-)

(my oldest is a swimmer - it was fun to see your video, down a few posts)

Mary Jo said...

Hi Lisa!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the cabbage advice! I had forgotten that one!

Cute TT! I haven't been able to do one in a while - got my hands full right now.

Have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I am guilty of saying you have your hands full but not in a mean way honest;)...just that's alot of hats to juggle for a momma and daddy!!! But fun ones... I wouldn't mind having six or so but think I will stop at three probably.. I can't wait to see your responses LOL

Staci said...

Looking forward to the replies. As a former infertile I can tell you, having zero children makes people say rude things too.

Also, if your child doesn't have the exact skin tone or hair color you do everyone asks if they are adopted.

I don't think you can win. You just have to laugh.

Qtpies7 said...

You are so right, Stacitee. I think what bothers me most is not the "You have your hands full." stuff its the questions that are really private, like birth control and fertility. Its really none of anyone else's business and is completely rude to ask someone you don't even know things about, basically, their sex life!
Some of the comments wouldn't be as horrible if they didn't say them in the wrong tone and in front of the kids, making the kids feel like they shouldn't be wanted or something. Thats sad. Kids need to know what a joy and a blessing they are!