Our 7 Qtpies

April 25, 2007

Look who's blogging now!

I finally talked my mom into blogging! Bring Your Own Cheese, The Whine is Free. We thought it would be great for her to blog about all the weird stuff going on in her life. She is raising two of her 24 grandkids because of some bad stuff going on, and all the hardships that has brought to their family because of it. (like a convicted murderer calling with threats, accusations of molestation, her husband can't live in the house for awhile, then all is well) Then there is the whole being landlords drama! THAT has brought its own level of bizarre. (crazy tenants, missing tenants, seeping sewers, $10,000 worth of dirt)

Maybe in the future ABC will make a soap opera out of it.

Well, then add in both her boys having tattoos, and her only daughter wanting to get one, and you have plenty to whine about! But the whine is pricey, so bring your own cheese to go with it! Check out her Wordless Wednesday post, its a joke she played on me after my last WW pic from her house, the hole in the snow......

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Crissybug said...

I am excited to hear about your more about your mom. Good for you to get her all set up. I have already been over to her blog...her picture was like the one you posted a few weeks ago.

You said it was a joke...what was the joke behind it?

yofed said...

Welcome to your mom! By thw way, I posted a picture of my tatoo for you! :) lol

The Estrogen Files said...

I was just over at your mom's place and really enjoyed the name of the blog! Made me just ROLL!

*Tanyetta* said...

i looooooooove your moms blog. OMG the title is a riot and the thursday thirteen made me pee my pants! she needs to put a warning in her header for her readers that she is hilarious!!!!---LOL