Our 7 Qtpies

June 10, 2007

Parade day!

Here is a play by play of Sam and his candy eating. I sat him in the chair while I sat in front of him on the ground. (Thats my house behind us, we live right on the parade route!)

I was storing the candy in a cup holder in the chair.
Sam was able to just reach in and help himself. And he did.

Again and again.

Yummy! Is anyone looking at my candy?

Which one should I choose?

MMMM, yah, this one is good stuff!

As you can see, it got darker and darker as the parade went on. There were only 4 marching bands this year, or it would have really gone on long! We even got a "show" right in front of our faces, all we saw was butts, but we did get a front row seat, lol. I'm going to do my Thursday Thirteen on the weird things you'll see in a small Minnesota town parade. Thankfully this year the toilette on the trailer wasn't there. And the guy sitting on the toilette reaching in and throwing out unwrapped chocolate bars....... well, he wasn't there this year. Would have made good bloggy material though! Too bad I wasn't blogging last year.
Hopefully we are at the end of the sickies, Donnie and Trinity are throwing up today, so that should be the end of it, unless the three who've been sick but not thrown up decide to finish it up in style. Cuts down on groceries, though! And at a time when we are broke, its just peachy! Some of our groceries will stretch over into the next paycheck. I even premade lots of meals, they are in the freezer waiting to be made. I was on top of frugality this month!

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

Look at that cutie with the candy!
Glad you are feeling better, and way to look at dismal situations positively. We've all had a bit of a bug here too, but I think it's gone now.

Julie said...

I just found your blog and I enjoyed my visit. Your kids are adorable.

I loved the post with the picture of all the shoes, and trying to get them matched up. I can totally relate at my house.


Carina said...

Sam looks pretty eager to get at those lollipops. My kids love those things, but man they make a mess. At least it kept him up on the chair.

Vida said...

I love that positive thinking!