Our 7 Qtpies

September 01, 2007

New game!

A couple of weeks ago Donnie and I were killing time at the Mall of America between our kids' flights to and from Maine. We went in a game store and saw this really fun sounding board game. Quelf

Donnie picked it up today. They were sold out near his work so he had to go to the Mall of America to get it. I called ahead and made sure they had it in stock first, though.

Tomorrow night, Sunday, we are having some friends over to eat scallops and play this game. I'm sad Sarah can't join us, but we'll play with her another time.

There are 8 strange characters, and 5 strange decks of cards. I glanced through them and lets just say that some are so funny I think there will be some laughing. Hopefully, when that laughing occurs I will not be the one with the rulz card that makes me slap my knee and say "wacca, wacca, wacca" each time someone laughs, lol!

I'll do a review on this game after we play it.

11 people think my kids are qtpies:

BlondeBlogger said...

LOL! Sounds like fun! I can't wait to hear how you liked it.

Scribbit said...

Looks like something we'd like :)

Carina said...

Afraid you lost me at the wacca, wacca, wacca. I'm a big chicken when it comes to being silly in public.

Andrea said...

Sounds like a fun game! I'm always on the lookout for new games...especially the laughy type! :) Can't wait to hear what ya think of it!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mrs. QTPie,
Our 14 year old daughter received Quelf as one of her presents just this past Friday. She had 5 girlfriends sleeping over, and they played the game for HOURS and were laughing uproariously. So . . . I guess the game met with their approval. Hope you all have a lot of fun with it, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Never heard of that game.

Isn't there a cartoon character or muppet or something along those lines that says "wacca, wacca, wacca"?

Aurelia said...

WOW sounds like a great game! Cant wait to hear your review.

Kat said...

Fun! I LOVE board games! Tell us how it is. And thanks for all the well wishes! I missed you too!

Andrea said...

hehe...sorry your first experience at my blog was a SPIDER PICTURE!!! That's the only one I've ever put up...usually I just post cute pictures of my boy or else funny ones of my hubby "mowing" the living room carpet and stuff. haha...anyways, I more spider pictures!! ;)

byoc said...

What are the ages for the game? It sounds like fun. When I get old and move in with you we'll have to play it.

Mrs. Stam said...

CAn't wait to see how you like it!