Our 7 Qtpies

October 07, 2007

Sunday update

What is going on at the Qtpies house?

Well, things are going well with our foreign exchange student. Being from Germany, he is very fluent in English, so there is very little language barrier. He doesn't understand some slang, like "shotgun." We were coming home from the Mall of America and the kids asked if he wanted to ride shotgun, which he didn't understand, and he didn't want to do, either. He preferred the way back seat. But, he is starting to spend some time with us. Choosing not to go to church, as he has never been before, except one time for a wedding, but I think he will join the kids for youth group and dodgeball on Wednesday night. Max is even starting to eat our food. I was getting a complex! I don't want him to starve, but Donnie doesn't want me cooking foods his way because Max needs to experience and try American things.

Tonight the kids are having their weekly movie night at our house, so my house is slowly filling with teens right now.

I am a featured blogger on Five Minutes for Mom's 5 minutes around the Blogosphere today. That is really cool! I am excited to have new visitors and people entering for the book I am giving away, Love Letters to a Child! Welcome, newbies!
Five Minutes for Mom is a great website for moms run by two moms, Susan and Janice, who happen to be twin sisters. They both have stores that are really cool: A Rocking Horse to Love and Peddle Cars and Retro Collectibles.
I love how they help promote mom blogs and stores. You can find links to their readers' blogs and mom owned stores. They also are always running really great give aways like their Digital Camera Giveaway!!!

I am also about to post another set of give aways here. Mr. WiggityBang sent me some prizes for my readers, it is just kind with the amount of talk I subject everyone to about Quelf. I'll be getting those set up this week, hopefully kick it off tomorrow or tonight. We'll see if these teens let me stay in the room while they have their movie night.

6 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

For some reason your blog didn;t update in the feed reader today. weird.

and pop over when you get a sec

click here

Jackie said...

Your foreign exchange student sounds like he's got a bit of an attitude, which makes it all the more funny that he got placed with a family with seven kids! He's just lucky he didn't get us with our crazy dog and weird smells and nosey girls. : )

Praise and Coffee said...

Your kids are qtpies!!!
I'm doing a give away too!

Jackie said...

I'm glad he doesn't have an attitude. You're so sweet to take such good care of him. God is good. May God touch his heart in amazing ways through your family!

JAM said...

That's cool that y'all are hosting an exchange student. Most European kids grow up knowing at LEAST two languages, unlike us lazy Americans who only sort-of learn one.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

I could eat sauerkraut and schnitzel every day of my life. Love, love, love German food.