Our 7 Qtpies

October 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen~ Quelf

Thirteen crazy things about the game Quelf in honor of Quelf being sold at Barnes and Noble starting in October. This is a must have party game, and your crazy fun relatives will love you forever for giving it to them for Christmas. So will your teens! Who am I kidding? Even the younger crowd loves it, but you can get a younger version called Flapdoodle from the WiggityBang's website.
How fun is this? Well, my mom called me after playing it and chewed me out for not telling her to wear Depends while playing it.
1. My sister-in-law, Samantha, had to run around and make a mask and wear it the rest of the game. She was regretting not making a hole so she could drink with it on.

2. There was a global rule that whenever the phone or doorbell rang everyone had to stand up and yell "Pizza Party!" and whoever was last had to pay the penalty. Each and every time. (our kids found out and thought it was funny to use their cells and call us)
3. One time, every time I laughed I had to snort like a pig. Try not to laugh after you have snorted like a pig in front of your mayor. I dare you. Because then you laugh again and have to snort again.
4. There is a card where you have to go sit on some one's lap until its your turn again. If you are not a spring chicken, please choose wisely who you sit on, because it can take an awful long time for your turn to come back around.
5. My brother, the nuclear scientist, seriously, a nuclear scientist, had to play Peek-A-Boo anytime someone talked to him. That was funny, right there. Not to mention his having to play Pat-a-cake with his wife, but that video got a little R rated, so I'm not posting it, hehe.
6. HIT THE DECK! NOW! Hit the deck! There's a tornado full of manure coming! HIT THE DECK!!!! Anyone who hit the deck can move forward.
7. What is the nuclear scientist doing? What is that on his head? He failed a card so in order to avoid the penalty he drew a picture of a tube of toothpaste and is wearing it on his forehead. If it comes off FOR ANY REASON he pays a penalty. Hmmm, he's ahead, I think I'll just flip that right off of him.

8. There are Quizzle cards that are like trivia. That is pretty fun, but surprisingly hard sometimes.
9. You have until your next turn to make up a rap about yourself and then rap it.
10. Every time someone uses a pencil say "The pen is mightier than the sword" in your best English accent. And I mean every time through the whole game, lol.
11. Quelf has won many awards and is an amazing work of comedic genius. It is available on amazon, Barnes and Noble, and at, but the makers would love it if everyone would buy it from Barnes and Noble because if it sells out B&N will pick up their other games next year.
12. Mr. Rivaldi gave me a bunch of things to give away, including 3 shirts, so I am having a Quelf Give-away! Who doesn't want a Super Ninja Monkey shirt?
13. I promise that you will laugh very hard, there will be tears, even if you are too snooty to play and just watch. My dad won't play but he was laughing so hard that we thought he was dying. He had to leave the room before he exploded. And my dad does NOT laugh. Nor does he ever get silly. My sister doesn't either, and she wouldn't do a lot of the cards, but the brat won the game anyway.
I do not make money from this game, I just love it that much! Well, if you did buy it from my link I would make a whopping $.84, but that is not why I tell about it. Quelf is a really fun game and a great way to REALLY get to know your friends. It should be under your Christmas tree this year!

12 people think my kids are qtpies:

Dreamer said...

looks and sounds funny!


Denise Patrick said...

Sounds like a fun game. I might get it for my kids - they love games.

Happy TT!

Samantha_K said...

this game sounds great! I think I'll look for it and make my boyfriend and his oldest son play...sounds like a blast.
Happy TT!

Sassyfrazz said...

That is awesome! Quelf rocks! Gotta have it...must have it!

Mommy Lutchi said...

oh fun fun... Lutchi's Journal hope you can visit me too.

justkc said...

That game looks awesome! Thanks for posting it.

Darla said...

It sounds like fun. Too bad I couldn't get it before the in-laws come this weekend!

Patti said...

Never heard of it but it sounds hilarious! :) Happy TT!

Dane Bramage said...

I might have to get this for my regular gaming group. As if we really needed an excuse to act silly.

Thanks for visiting my T13 #52 13 Comic books made into movies"

Anonymous said...

That game sounds awesome. It is tradition for us at Christmas that each kid (ok they are not little anymore, but still) gets a game from Santa. This is one I am going to give this year!

Happy TT

Carina said...

I still think I would be way too inhibited to play this game!

byoc said...

I can't believe you ratted me out on public internet! lol - it really is a great game.