The sleep number bed is a bed that has adjustable firmness. You can change the firmness number at any time with a little button. There is a pump that adds or releases air from the air chambers. With dual controls your husband and you can have completely different firmness in the same bed! That alone is amazing. We fight over a firm mattress for Donnie or a soft one for me.
The bed comes in twin all the way to King size. There is even a long warranty, 5 year full replacement, and up to a 20 year warranty.
Do you have a Sleep Number Bed? How do you like it? We have been thinking about it for our next bed purchase. I would love to hear from anyone's experience.
Thanks for making this possible, sleep number beds!
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We have a Select Comfort which is a dual chamber bed that we can adjust to our liking. I love it. Hubby bought it for us when I was pregnant with Jakob (that was over 7 years ago). It's still in wonderful condition and I like my side of the bed hard as a rock almost and dh has his so soft I call it the trench. He lays down and sinks into the mattress. lol
I must say - it is my dream to own one. I love good mattresses. And I love a comfy sleep. Let us know if you go for the plunge!
those bed sounds wonderful!!!!!
We can't afford it for awhile, but we have been seriously concidering it for our next purchase. I want the water bed back, and Donnie wants a very hard bed. This would help us out.
That's why we ended up buying the Sleep Number Bed, because each side can be dialed in for that person's taste.
Because of my back, I slept on the floor for over three years until we bought a king size Select Comfort bed in May 2007.
Lovely Wife and I joke that we were going to return it, and when they ask why, we'd tell them it was too comfortable and that we always stayed in bed way longer than we should have.
I cannot describe just how comfortable this thing is. I truly can't. At first I was just glad to be off the floor, but even now I can adjust it up or down to help with my daily back pain depending on the type and severity of the pain.
They are pretty expensive, but next to buying our first washer and dryer years ago, the Sleep Number Bed is the best purchase we've ever made.
It would be impossible to overstate how much we love this bed.
And if you like to lay in bed and read before sleep, well, you might have to come up with a new plan. I can't lay there for hours and read any more. I go to sleep fast now.
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