Our 7 Qtpies

December 01, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

There is a snowstorm brewing here in Minnesota. It looks pretty gray and heavy outside. Donnie said it even smells like snow. (and yes, for you southerners, snow does have a smell, cool, huh?) We are supposed to get up to 18 inches today, and we have no snow on the ground right now, so that is a doosey!
Donnie, however, is at work 50 miles away. I am hoping his supervisor will call and send them home. He can't get stuck in the cities today. We have a Christmas banquette we are hosting tables at tonight.
I have not decorated my house for Christmas yet. I was going to wait until, oh, the day before Christmas, maybe, so that I would have less time fighting Sam and Jonah and Isaac and Trinity to leave the ornaments alone! I'm typically laid back about things, but the tree has to have ornaments in all the right spots, and have balance. It messes with my head when the ornaments start moving. A blank spot on the tree will send me into a tizzy.
Another tizzy is when we have a real tree and the pine needles shed. And we can smell the horrid scent of pine and outdoors INSIDE my house!
What does Donnie want every year? A real Christmas tree. I've won for the last 12 years or so. We don't have the money for a real tree, they cost like $70 now! Now that we live in a country area he wants to chop one down himself. Umm, thanks, but I prefer not to trek through a bunch of trees OUTSIDE in the freezing cold and snow to cut down a tree we have to pay for and drag into the house to make it smell like trees and OUTDOORS in my house.
But yesterday when I was driving home from picking up Jack, whom I babysit, from school I saw a little farm place that had a home made sign that you could come chop your own tree I thought "You know, Donnie works 6 days a week and is doing weeks on call to make extra money for us right now, I can give in this one year to make it worth it for him."
So I called and told him it was a go, not two days after I shot the idea down with a force complete logic. And he was so happy!And he proceeded to tell me that he had been at the store picking up lights for the tree, since ours are all old and stupid and apparently they might get hot and burn his precious little Sammy, he bought those LED lights. But instead of the perfect white lights that he loves, he bought the colored lights because I just love them so much for my tree. This has been an 18 year long debate between us, too. So whoever buys the lights, wins.
I got teary-eyed, I tell you! That was like my own little Christmas present from him.
We are not doing presents for each other this year because we are putting a deposit down an a couples retreat in January. Its all fun and no classes, with some great friends from church.
All right I need to get moving, I'll tell you all about the scare I had this morning some other time.
Don't forget about my giveaway of jump*start 1st Grade software!

12 people think my kids are qtpies:

Unknown said...

This is so sweet. It's like the gift of the Magi, in your own life. Wow, I hope you have a great Christmas.

Maude Lynn said...

Eighteen inches of snow? I can't even imagine!

Carina said...

I remember that smell of snow from when we lived in CO. Actually, we even get to smell it here in Oklahoma once a year or so.

That's cool about the compromises on the tree and the lights. Our Christmas/Birthday gifts this year are our new computer.

houseofeling said...

I love snow! But here in Indy, when we get 2 inches, everything shuts down. For me, bring on all 18"...all at once! hope you weather the storm in fashion, mama....

Ann said...

What a great Christmas story! I used to live in MN, near Fargo--I miss getting tons of snow!

Wendy said...

I'm getting all teary eyed. That was so sweet of the two of you!

I hope he made it back home okay, and that you have a lovely weekend under all that snow! (And yes, there IS a smell in the air before it snows. I miss it, living in the South, but 18 inches is a bit much!)

Julie said...

I love snow. I wish I didn't like in Ca. some times.

That was a very sweet story.


Elizabeth F. said...

We have the very same debate in our house. I gave in and let my hubby get a real tree this year. I ahve to say this tree is shedding more than trees in the past. I think when you can chop a tree down yourself it is much fresher than the kind we had to get in a parking lot. There's no tree farms around here, but we got a very nice 7.5 ft. tree for $29.99. Anywhoo-I'm having snow envy right now. We, in the south, don't get that luxury. But, having just moved here from Indiana we love and miss the snow. I'm right there with you about fighting with the kdis over the tree...and my cat too. Read my blog for more. LOL!

Andrea said...

Yes, if I had 7 kids I'd probably wait until the day before Christmas to decorate too! :) However, Jonathan and I always have the debate of WHEN to put up the tree...he wants to wait until the day before Christmas (pretty much!) and I want to do it...hmm...before December? haha...and our tree is UP...however, I only have ONE little guy to keep away from the tree...and it's been pretty easy so far. I have a feeling that my early decorating might turn into LATE decorating in a few years though! :)

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

How sweet! In our house it is the blinking vs. non-blinking debate that reigns. It would take a lot for me to give in to blinking though...

sarahgrace said...

Sweet, sweet, very sweet. Like a modern day gift of the Magi.

JAM said...

Maybe y'all could be like the Griswolds and have a free squirrel with your "live" tree.