Our 7 Qtpies

December 28, 2007

More holiday happenings and Quelf, of course!

We were playing Quelf on Christmas Eve, Donnie, my brother Shane, his wife Sam, my Ma (step-mom), and I.
Donnie and Shane had to play leap frog. They had to each do 5 leaps over the other. Which meant two times through the living room.

We were quite amused watching two grown men playing leap frog. One a Computer professional and one a nuclear scientist. Yes, that is funny!

Then there was me sitting on Sam's lap while wearing her sock on my hand, that I named Friendly Freddie, and holding Ma's hand, who was hiding under the table in her fort. Shane had to keep one hand on the floor at all times when it wasn't his turn.
And here is Ma under the table holding Friendly Freddie.
Plus, here is proof that my letter to Santa just ticked him off because my butt is NOT that big. Instead of being nice and making me look SMALLER in my pictures this holiday season, he made me look BIGGER than I am.
Since Elizabeth F. Thought I did not look like I've had seven kids, I thought I'd show the pics that prompted me to write that fatal letter to Santa. See the width on me here? That is bad enough, but then there was this monstrosity:

The dreaded double chin.
Not liking that look at all. Thankfully it is winter and I was wearing long sleeves or we might have seen the arm flapping, too.

Back to Quelf.
I was sitting on Sam's lap, holding Ma's hand. Donnie and Shane were holding hands. (you had to hold hands when you are on the same square of the game) Ma was still under the table in her fort.
Shane made the move to the winners square. In order to win you have to play a red card, which is a choice of two topics. Everyone plays the red card, you go around thinking of something that fits the topic until someone repeats an answer or can't think of an answer. The person in the winner's spot has to come up with two answers per turn.
So it starts: Shane says "Chicken and frog legs" or something like that. There was quail, and rattle snake, and I said Rocky Mountain Oysters, which ticked Shane off, but he can't prove they don't taste like chicken, I heard they taste like chicken, and everyone else said it was a fine answer. Finally it came back around to Shane, and we'd gone through most birds already, including roadrunner, dove, Cornish game hens, pheasants, so Shane says "Turkey and Penguin." I started cracking up! Sam started yelling at Shane that Penguin does NOT taste like chicken.
Shane: How do you know?
Sam: Because I've had it!
Shane: You have NOT!
Sam: How do you know?
Donnie: Shane might have had penguin.
(Shane is a naval sub officer, he can't always tell where he's been, so maybe? LOL)
Lisa: I think its a great answer! Let him have it.
Shane: She chose Rocky Mountain Oysters, I can say Penguin!
Sam: You are NOT winning on Penguin!
Oh my goodness, it went on and on, as I lay on the floor rolling back and forth laughing and laughing.
Sam does not lose, even if she is the last person to come to the finish line, she won the game. I started to argue with her and my piece came off the board and I was kicked out of the game! LOL
Anyways, it was a blast. You all need Quelf. Everyone should play this game. We now have four copies in our family. I have one, my mom bought one, I gave one to Ma for Christmas and Shane and Sam bought one.

5 people think my kids are qtpies:

Unknown said...

I think you're beautiful...and you know the camera does lie! Glad you had a nice Christmas. :)

yofed said...

I've been busy lately, so very absent from your blog.... but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING ABOUT QUELF!!!!! :D I bought it for my husband for Christmas, and I almost peed my pants several times! I'll probably post about it some time in the future, after having played a few more times...

Thanks again and good luck for baby #8 in 2008! :) With any luck, it will be baby #3 for us! :)

Unknown said...

I keep hearing about this it like Kudoo where you are up doing stuff the whole time?

Sassyfrazz said...

What a super fun night!! I really miss Quelf, and I really look forward to Ladies Night Out! I hope we can snag a few more ppl!

Thanks for sharing your stories,...very funny!

I do need to get me one of them there games!

Anonymous said...

PENGUIN!! Pashaw! Who would EVER accept that!???!! So I guess I could have said a CAT?! I put a kabosh on the Penguin answer otherwise that card would have gone on FOR-E-VER (and cuz it was bunk)!! Love the comment about my "game spirit" :P Play to win or don't play at all!! : ) Shane's motto is if you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'.... hmmm.... Penguin!!??
It was SO good to see you and the fam! I miss you guys already and hopefully we'll see each other again soon! I miss the squeal of your voice, talking to the kids, but mostly I miss Sam's sweet sweet smile!! : )
Love ya!!!