Our 7 Qtpies

January 31, 2008

Hopefully I will need this post.

I am going to start a post on my winnings this week. I plan to need it. (just kidding!) (or am I?)

I did win something today, though. Not part of the bloggy carnival. I won a box of personalized Fruit Roll ups from Did You See That? Now winning this has two sides. I get to order some great treats, that is awesome. But I also have to let my worst Valentine story die. Because now, after 15 years of telling Donnie how awful it was, it has paid off. After Devon was born I wanted to join aerobics, but it was expensive, and I couldn't do it at home because the kids would grab my legs and stand on my feet screaming for me to pick them up. It terrified them to see me doing something besides sitting on the couch eating bonbons. We were young and had three kids. Could I afford clothes to wear to work out in? Heck, no!
So, Donnie splurged and bought me an entire workout outfit. For Valentine's Day. Something to help me get skinny. For Valentine's Day. After I had a baby 1 1/2 months before. Post partum. One and one half months post partum. He buys me a workout outfit.
Yes, he called me an enormous fat cow for Valentine's Day.
Ok, so really he was just being sweet and seriously thinking of my desires and trying to make me feel special. But it missed the mark. It didn't even hit the target, much less the bull's eye.
However, it made CPA Mom laugh, and I won something. Fifteen years later. He is now officially off the hook.

And I thought I would win one of these with the sweet valentine I gave Donnie one year. I'm still hoping! I could win a second one, you know!

(and if I am misspelling things, tough, my spell check doesn't do anything on here today, and I really don't care enough to double or tripple check, lol, see how I spelled triple??)

I won another box at Gotcha Baby! You'll have to see this post to hear the whole story.

I won the book Out of the Depths from the Kregal homeschooling blog.
I won a family devotional book, but I can't find the link to her blog. She left a comment here, but it doesn't link to the actual blog that I won it from.
I won a Mary Kay lip and nail set from Angela at The Rock Pile. That is super fun because Kaytlin leaves her make-up out for the kids to ruin, then steals mine and leaves mine out for the kids to ruin........ I need more make-up, and she has learned to put it away now.

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Unknown said...

This post is funny! I bet Donnie learned quick that you don't mess with a post partum mama!

Susan said...

This is so funny. At least he gets you something, my husband says Valentine's day is to predictable and he doesn't like to be predictable.

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

Your a winner again! You have one the Family Devotional book. Email me with your address....

Congrats~ jill at tonsofsons