Our 7 Qtpies

January 01, 2008

I've been hit by two meme's

Laura and Sarah both tagged me for separate meme's. I haven't had much time to get to Laura's, but today is a day off, so I can play, right?

I've been carded.
Ronie Kendig altered this CARDED meme to include a Spiritual Wish list so we can know how to pray for each other, both spiritually and physically. Isn’t that a great idea?
1. Each player starts with 5 gifts that they would want for Christmas.2. People who are "CARDED" need to write their own Blog about their 5 things & post these rules.3. At the end of your Blog, you need to choose 5 people to get "CARDED" and list their names.4. Don't forget to leave them a COMMENT telling them they're "CARDED", and to read your Blog.
I won't be tagging anyone since Christmas is over.
My physical wish list:
1. My van to be fixed.
2. My roof to be fixed.
3. A new pair of jeans. (which I will be buying with the gift from the lady I babysit for!)
4. My kid's pictures to be taken. Kaytlin, Cody and Trinity need new pictures done, and I'd love a new family pic.
5. If someone would teach me to knit, I'd be thrilled beyond belief. I got a book to learn, but I don't believe knitting is possible after reading it.

My spiritual wish list:
1. More self-control. I need to stop eating an entire Symphony candy bar several times a week! Plus, I gave up soda and quit buying mine, but when I was thirsty I started drinking Donnie's soda.
2. I want to start having daily Bible reading and prayer. It has been hard to find alone time with kids in so many age groups. They are never all asleep or gone!
3. Patience. I know you should never pray for this because it usually brings about trials so you can put it in practice. However, I have enough trials daily with 7 kids that I should be able to work on this one. Really, it goes back to self-control.
4. Love. I need to love difficult people. Not usually so hard for me, but lately it has been. I think there are 3 people that I am really struggling with right now.
5. My brain is kind of a mess right now, and I would love prayers for clarity, no stress, etc. so I can remember things again. I want to do prayers, but I don't remember, I want to have patience, but I don't remember to practice it, etc.

8 Random facts about me meme.

Instructions: When tagged, you have to link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules just before your list, then list eight random facts about yourself. At the end of your post, you must tag and link to eight other people.

1. I gave up on cleaning house, I'd have no life at all if I tried to keep it spotless. Call me, I'll clean before you come over!
2. I love having children. Not so much the pregnancy part, but I deal with that because they are just so cute!
3. I absolutely love thrift shopping and garage sales! I don't like wearing the same clothes too often, so this is the best route for me. Kaytlin hates it.
4. I prefer to wear dresses/skirts all the time. I have always loved wearing dresses. I almost never wear a dress now. Drives me nuts.
5. I married my high school sweetheart while I was still in high school. I was married and pregnant at my senior prom and my graduation. (still with him!)
6. I had no idea how much blogging would become a part of my life, but I love it. Even more so with the product and book reviews, but I think the interaction with other people is the most fulfilling. So leave comments, please! (cough*pastor chad* cough)
7. My mom is planning to come live here, I think she plans to just get on her feet at my house, but I hope she just stays and stays. I don't know why I fought my mom so much growing up, she has pretty much been like a good friend to me since I was 17.
8. I'm an oddity in my family and somewhat in my church, even. Sometimes it is frustrating, but thankfully my church family isn't against our beliefs, even if no one else practices them. That helps us deal with our family who are against us trusting God with our fertility.

I'm not tagging anyone, but if you do the meme's, I'll link to you here. Just let me know!

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the tag and doing the meme!

Great answers!