Our 7 Qtpies

February 06, 2008

Talking Smack and Eating Crow?

Except it isn't me that is doing the eating!
I posted slowly about my winnings as they tumbled into my inbox, and one of my readers/friends told me how she wouldn't enter for fruit roll ups, they eat much healthier than that.

Well, then, in my inbox I found this email from her, and she doesn't want to be identified for fear of being called a dork, but I think this is the BEST email ever, and I laugh every time I read it.

Dear Lisa,

Before you read any further, I want you to be sure you are sitting down and have swallowed everything that is in your mouth. I don't want to be responsible for you spewing stuff all over your computer screen or choking on a chicken wing and dying, leaving your poor innocent children behind to fend for themselves, having nothing but the Fruit Roll-ups that come in the
mail to survive on.

I'm serious about this...did you do it?


Now, getting back to the contests discussion. Remember a couple of days back when we were talking about winnings and you said you had won a box of fruit roll-ups? Then you wrote that you had won a second box? And now I
read on your blog that you have won a third box? And then do you remember how I said that I would never enter to win a box of fruit roll-ups because we never eat those things? And I kinda made fun of you guys eating fruit
roll-ups in my next five emails?

Well, after you had won the second box and I told you I would never enter for something like that and I had already entered all of the contests that I had wanted to enter, I got this strange idea that I would go back to the list,
do a search for "fruit" and find those fruit roll-up contests that I had skipped over the first time. I don't know why I did it...insanity, most
likely...I just saw you winning so many and thought how funny it would be if I
entered one and actually won it away from you. Perhaps I was just trying to save your family from fruit roll-up overload.

Anyway, when I went back to enter, I think
there were about three or four fruit roll-up contests listed, but they had all ended early or had strange entry requirements, with the exception of one, which I wrote my little blurb for and then submitted my entry.

I am sure by now you know where this is going.

Yes, out of 86 entries, mine...#83 was drawn to win a box of personalized fruit roll-ups. I am going to be eating crow for a long time.
Perhaps that is what I should have printed on them.

Hope your winnings are still pouring in. Perhaps you could try winning something
other than fruit roll-ups. Now if you come to visit, I will be certain of having something on hand to serve you.


Isn't that great? I think it was so fun and well written. And to top it all off, she not only won a box from under my nose, she won it from my real life BFF! How is that for funny!?!

OH, and Sarah, why didn't you pick me? Huh? I think my story was winning material. Just kidding!

(Is anyone else having trouble with their spell check not working on blogger?)

6 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

That's pretty funny! I hope she enjoys those fruit-rollups!

Good luck to you too in the Diamond contest!

Diane Meyer said...

Dang it, I wanted to win the fruit roll-ups! But NOOOOO. We won a big box of fudge and I will not fit out my front door come spring.
Enjoy your fruit.
Sore Loser Diane (secretly really giddy about the fudge)

Diane Meyer said...

Ohhhh,keep me up to date then about when he (she?) goes in. I'll help you pray through TX bootcamp and on to their base. Love your attitude. Josiah has kind of the same one. He just returned from Afghanistan because he volunteered....AF firefighters don't usually go there. I'm very proud of my boy.
Thanks for visiting. :-) Again....enjoy the roll-ups.

Melissa said...

Ha ha fruit roll ups. I have totally even forgotten that are around...havn't eatten one in a loooong time. Thanks for the story!

Anonymous said...

How funny!

Kristin said...

Aww! Come enter my contest!