Our 7 Qtpies

March 18, 2008

Spring Break!

It is spring break here in Minnesota and wouldn't you know it but we got a couple inches of snow.
My camera cord went missing with my monitor dying, so I can't put a pic up yet. (my old monitor that we switched to is so huge that I can't pick it up to check for the cord)

On Saturday, my mom and I went shopping, and for lunch we ate at Buffalo Wild Wings, one of my favorite places to eat. My mom ordered their blue cheese hamburger that is made with Black Angus beef. Oh, it was pure joy to eat! (I ate half) I told Donnie that it was so good that it made the wings taste like garbage. And we LOVE the wings.

A couple at our church raise Black Angus, so we asked them if we could buy a 1/4 from them, and they happened to have one butchered already, so we got it on Sunday. Let me tell you, I can't imagine buying beef from a store again. We had hamburgers from it last night and even Trinity ate it. Super delicious! We are now spoiled. But the price wasn't bad at all, either. I am pretty sure we saved money over the store.

Sam has been a little stinker lately. As I clean the house I find his diapers everywhere. He takes them off all the time. And not just to take them off, he takes them off so he can go to the bathroom. Little turd! So I decided it is time to take out the potty seat. He did sit on it for a moment, but I am not sure that he is impressed with it. I'll be chasing him down for a few days to try to catch him going and see if he gets it. We've been using the big potty with him since he was a few months old, but he hates sitting on the seaton the big pot and tries sticking his feet in the toilet. We'll try the little potty for awhile.

7 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of the black angus beef.

Are you finding little "piles" all over the house? Fun!

Anonymous said...

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Jackie said...

I was notoriously lazy about potty-training. The kids had to practically beg me to use the potty because it was such a pain to take them to the toilet when they were so little. Sounds like Sam might be ready, though. Lucky you!

Mrs. Stam said...

Ah little Sam!!!! Have you notice that single will take about their date or not date life and married couple about their mate and PARENTS about their child pee and poo!!!!!

From boy to husband to poo this is how life moves!!!!

have a great day!


Susan said...

I love fresh beef. It is the best. What a cute little boy you have.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

We love Buffalo Wild Wings, too! That's our boys' favorite place to go!


Sassyfrazz said...

WOW~ I didn't know someone in our church sells Black Angus~ YUM! Terry and I want to buy fresh from a farmer, much better and awesome quality meat!

How are you?