Our 7 Qtpies

April 07, 2008

Dare to Wear White!

Do you remember in high school when you were afraid to wear white because you knew you might leak through your pad and that would be so embarrassing?

Do you still worry about it? Do you worry more now than back then?

Many women get abnormally heavy periods, so bad that they go through pads faster than 1 an hour, and have large clots being passed. Heavy cramping, and sometimes the cycles last for longer than normal.

An aunt of mine would have cycles so bad that she would just sit on the toilet because it was no use even getting up, she'd have to come right back and change her pad.

For many women the "help" has come in the form of hormone pills or hysterectomy.

I don't want either for me if I were to go through this condition called menorrhagia.

Dare to Wear White is a website created to support women who are going through this. Stop by and take the survey at Mom Central if you have very heavy periods and are done having children, the first 250 women who take the survey will earn a $10 gift card.

Dare to Wear White is promoting a new procedure to eliminate the menorrhagia without hormones or hysterectomy. It is called NovaSure. It is a quick, out-patient procedure that will lessen or even eliminate periods. But you will still have your uterus and not be forced into menopause. NovaSure uses some type of energy to remove the lining of your uterus. So it is not applicable if you are not done having children.

Don't forget to do the survey if you have menorrhagia, the first 250 get a gift card!

5 people think my kids are qtpies:

Laura Paxton said...

I have found that the amazing side affect of changing the milk we drink has been the affect on periods...Now that I am drinking only organic milk, my periods are lighter, my face has cleared up, and the horror of PMS has backed off.

I alwasy feel so bad for women who deal with terrible periods..and wonder about the solutions...

JAM said...

Us guys have it so easy. That's why I hate whiny men.

Kris said...

I did just enough research on NovaSure to find out that while it does "eliminate" the lining of the uterus, it does NOT prevent ovulation or conception. It just leaves little endometrial lining for a fertilized egg to implant. There, however, CAN still be implantation and pregnancy, and there is a significant risk were this to occur to both the mother and baby.

Believe me, as one who suffers from SEVERELY heavy periods, this sounds like a dream. But...

Qtpies7 said...

Kris, this is for people who are preventing pregnancy. People who are absolutely done. I would not get it done because I will never prevent pregnancy.
I would never want to encourage someone to do something that could cause miscarraiges like that, thanks for pointing it out.

The Amazing Trips said...

In 8th grade, I wore white pants to school. And I remember, like it was yesterday, getting up to use the pencil sharpener and one of the kids in my class - a loud BOY - yelled out, "Hey, you've got blood on your pants!!" and I was confused, and then ... HORRIFIED.

I played it off like it was ketchup, like maybe I'd sat in ketchup at lunch. That made sense. We'd had tater tots in the cafeteria. But my teacher excused me to the restroom, where I did an assessment and felt like I was going to die. Thankfully, I had a jacket I could tie around my waist for the rest of the day and the bus ride home.

To this day: I've never worn white pants again. For that matter, when I'm 90 and past the point of cycles, I doubt I'll ever wear white pants again.