Our 7 Qtpies

June 21, 2008

Pick on Devon Day 2

Devon is our wild man, not out of control wild, just seems to get himself into a bit of trouble or tight spots often.
When he was about 5 or 6 we lived in Virginia he was always outside. He lived to be outdoors.
Donnie and I had a side job cleaning some offices and would take the kids with us to help dust and sweep.
We were about to leave home and head to the offices so I went to track Devon down. I found him in the back yard and called him in. He held one hand behind his back and stared at me. He said he would be right in. Now with Devon you have to pick your battles and I wasn't about to start a fight finding out what he was hiding, which was probably a snake or spider or something, which I didn't want to see anyways.
I went in the house and soon Devon came through the front door. Again, he hid his hand behind his back. Meaning he hadn't ditched whatever it was he had. I just grabbed his hand without asking and took a peek.

He had snuck his dad's pocket knife outside. That is a big no-no, and he found out why. He had sliced open his hand below his thumb. It was wide open and nasty.
Great, he had cut himself open and not told us. That sounds like Devon. I think he's only come to us twice when hurt, and it wasn't when he broke and sprained his ankle or this one.

So we were driving to the ER for some stitches and I was telling him how they would give him a shot so that the stitches wouldn't hurt, but the shot would hurt like a pinch. So he says "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure." "Are you positive?" (all in a little scared voice) "Yes, I'm positive, sweetie." "Ha! Only fools are positive!" We had a little game in our family based on some movie that we wouldn't say we were positive, and we'd try to trick each other into saying it. He got me. He didn't care about the cut or getting stitches at all.

When we got to the ER there was a 3 hour wait, so I asked Devon if he wanted to wait or not, if we didn't get stitches he would get a scar. He asked what a scar was and I told him and guess what he said?

"Oh, those are so cool! See, I have one here, too!"

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Brenda said...

What a funny story! Boys are so different!
Cool! A scar!

Sassyfrazz said...

What a toughie! Yep, boys are all about the victory marks!