Our 7 Qtpies

July 25, 2008

Friday Night

Whew! I got ALL of my errands done! I even managed to throw in cleaning the living room and going to Karaoke!
I took Trinity with me to run the errands so we could buy a present for the birthday party. I was getting pretty hungry, and I figured I should feed Trinity lunch before I send her to the party at 3. So we stopped at McDonald's, just the two of us.
Mom, that guy looks like Grandpa.
What color is that on the window?
Why is it raining?
Do you like french fries?
Can I have some of your soda?
You know I eat ice.

And on and on and on and on and on it went.

Trinity, what is your mouth for?
For talking, mom!
What else?
For eating.
OK, why don't you try more eating and less talking.
Can you open my Polly Pocket?
OK, after you eat more of your burger.
(ahhh, blessed silence!)

Out in the car it starts again.

Mom, look at what my Polly Pocket can do.
I can't look, Trinity, I have to drive.
Mom, look at that car! What is that over there? Why is the sky blue? etc, etc, etc.

Trinity, why do you ask so many questions?
Because why?
Because why?
Am I annoying you?
Really? Is it annoying when I ask you a million questions?
Because why?
Mom, you can't talk, you need to drive.


3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Mrs. Stam said...

ha ha ha wow you made me laugh this morning!!!!! oh kid are so cute!!!!

"you can\t talk you need to drive" best line ever!!!!!!

Kris said...


The reverse psychology thing never worked with Morgan, but I'm glad YOU got some silence!

Jackie said...

My youngest always starts off his marathon of questions with "Mom? Mom? Mom?" As if I never listen to him . . . Hmmmmm . . .