Our 7 Qtpies

August 22, 2008

The blogability never ends in a family our size

Recently Devon has come up with a way to help himself remember things, like words and such.

He'll be talking and it will go like this:

I think we should .......

(he whips his head to the side and his wrist to the front of him checking his watch, the watch he has never owned and doesn't exist)

have pizza!


It was some kind of fish, what was it!!! Ugh! I know it was some kind of fish. It was ......

(whips head to side and looks at non-existent watch)


He won't pose for me so you can see it, though. It is quite silly and endearing.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Mrs. Stam said...

oh my!!! you must have a blast everyday!!!!!

Carina said...

I think my brother would fit right into your family. Did you have any kids in Texas? Maybe they were switched.