Our 7 Qtpies

October 16, 2008

How many screw ups can I make in one day?

Whew! I'm exhausted from messing up at work! OK, so I didn't mess up that many times, but I don't know how to fix a few mistakes. I don't have the energy to deal with it today, though. Tomorrow I'll learn to fix them.

I had a weird night of dreams, makes me think I'm having a guilt complex for neglecting my kids. Very weird dreams. So I didn't get a ton of sleep.
I went to check emails this morning. No computer. The last one in the house bit the dust over night. There is nothing there, it wants me to put in boot discs! Not happy! Donnie is gone hunting, so I don't have his laptop, either. I am borrowing my mother in law's laptop so I don't go spastic.
Then I was going to leave and found out I didn't have a key to the car Donnie left me. Where did it go? Oh no! I had give it to Devon and not gotten it back! But thankfully he knew where it was, that was amazing.
I tried to take Donnie's bow out of the hatch back and the door fell on my head and cracked my headband in half.
Then I called my mom on my way to work. One of her tires fell OFF her Jeep! I am so thankful that no one was hurt, but it is going to cost a pretty penny AND a day of travel.
Then at work I can't spell, and I keep screwing up with the check book and don't know how to fix it. My boss is great with Quickbooks, but I don't want to hunt him down for help. Tomorrow is another day.............
I think I'm going to call it quits and head home soon. (So glad my work is flexible!)

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

What a horrible, no good, very bad day.

I hope tomorrow is better for you!


Jackie said...

Hang in there. Get a good night's sleep! Tomorrow is GOT to be better!

Lisa said...

Ya know if you count your mistakes, you will just make more, or realize how mny you really do make.