Our 7 Qtpies

January 27, 2009

Never Say Diet ~ New Years Resolution GIVEAWAY!

Bloggy Giveaway Alert! Giveaway in this post! Check out the over 1100 other giveaways at the Bloggy Carnival.

Here we are heading toward the end of January, the month of resolutions. Many people make the decision to lose weight and get in shape this year. Is this the year? I am planning to make it my year! 

Diet is not an option for me. It doesn't work. Exercise stinks, but I am going to have to add it to my life because even though I am losing weight with Sensa, I am not going to get rid of the belly flab after 7 babies and 2 c-sections without some effort. 
So, here is a great find for everyone who would like to lose weight, exercise and eat right this year. Never Say Diet and the companion guide, Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer.   

I absolutely loved Chantel Hobbs book Never Say Diet. It is inspiring and do-able. She says you have to make five decisions to break your bad habits for good. I also liked how she encouraged people to get into an exercise routine before you start working on the food. 

The Personal Trainer book is a 16 week journal and guide to changing your life. I love the scripture of the week, too. It is so nice to see things with a Christian perspective. Though it wasn't so intense that someone who does not believe in God would be turned off by it. 
In the journal you begin with your weight and measurements, and then you record your exercise and breakfasts for each day. After a few weeks you redo measurements again. 
The tips are great, things like drinking water is obvious, but making sure to eat protein for breakfast and to include enough fiber in the diet are less obvious. 

Summary: After years of failed diet attempts, Chantel Hobbs discovered the missing ingredient to permanent weight loss: to change your life, you first have to change the way you think.

She developed a balanced plan for exercise and nutrition and lost two hundred pounds. Now, through writing, speaking, and her work as a personal trainer, she inspires others to achieve far more than they thought possible.

In Never Say Diet, now available in trade paperback, Chantel provides everything readers need to lose weight for good, including: 

  • Simple, step-by-step workout routines that fit into a normal weekday schedule
  • A realistic approach to nutrition that helps people break their bondage to food
  • Strategies for staying motivated when life takes unexpected turns
  • Keys to dealing with discouragement by relying on God’s strength   
  • The secret to moving beyond past failures and getting over old excuses 

Chantel helps readers make the five commitments that are necessary for changing their lives. Her high-energy, no-nonsense approach inspires readers to achieve results that last in body, mind, and spirit.

Personal Trainer: Her newest book, The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Coach, now allows readers to have Chantelshow up each week to inspire, encourage, and energize them on the journey to a healthy life that centers on body, mind, and spirit.

This fitness guide helps readers set new weight-loss goals and create an exercise schedule that works in the midst of life’s constant demands. Readers will be inspired with Scripture, and they will welcome Chantel’s healthy eating plan with simple, energy-and-nutrition-packed recipes. Weekly checklists and personal evaluations direct readers in reaching their goals. Plus, Chantel’s personal and entertaining stories provide the motivation needed to get through even the most frustrating days.

With Never Say Diet and The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Coach readers will establish new fitness habits that burn off excess weight, increase strength, and establish a new, healthy way of living.

You can buy Never Say Diet and Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer at Amazon, and purchased together they are only $19.47!

But I am giving a set away to one lucky person for the price of a comment! Leave a comment about a weight loss or health tip, goal, whatever. But something related to weight loss and getting in shape, or it won't count. I will delete you. Because I am mean. Ask my kids. 

My husband is laid off and put me on a STRICT budget, so I have to restrict this to just people in the US, I am sorry international people. 

The giveaway ends January 30. I will give the winner 3 days to give me their address before I choose someone else. Please leave a way for me to contact you. Thanks!

31 people think my kids are qtpies:

Homemaker said...

My weight loss tip is to never eat before going to sleep and my goal for this year is to lose at least 20 lbs.

okaat said...

My weight loss tip is to drink 8 glasses of water a day, Try to drink one glass before each meal to cut down your appetite.

JD said...

Drop the soda and drink water.And always remember to take a walk daily even if its just for 5 mins

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Wow you have 7 kids!? Thats amazing! My biggest weightloss tip is to chew food slowly to get full faster. Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Anonymous said...

I wouls love to hav 7 children or more if that is God's will for us. We have 3 so far. They are all Blessings from God.
My wt loss tip is drink 1/2 your body wt in ounces of water every day. Also Exercise it takes 21 days to make a new habit.

Looks like a great book.

God Bless,

Michelle said...

Okay, my weight loss goal is to be down another 30 pounds. I just can't seem to do it. I've lost 18 so far, but am thinking I won't lose anymore without exercise. Ugh! Do I really have to?

Re said...

my tip is to NOT eat or drink anything at the computer, except water. It's amazing how much calories we consume via drinks.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

judybrittle said...

I found the perfect weight loss system and it works. Want to lose weight but afraid to fail and crave those foods that are a no no? Well on Saturday you can have whatever you want to eat. No thought of diet,no guilt. Next day go right back to watching your weight and wait till next Saturday.

tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this!
I would love to win. I try to keep pistachios around for my snack. they are in a shell so harder to grab a bunch and eat as they take time to deshell. Drink lots of water to keep you hydrated.
Thank you

janetfaye said...

I need to lose some weight and I have made that my goal this year. I have also made the goal of exercising more. I have heard that this is a good book.

I love the title because I don't think dieting as we perceive is the answer.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Nickolay said...

My tip is to stay focused. Once you loose focus, its over


eat at the table- not on the couch, etc and drink a glass a water just beofre dinner

Julie Donahue said...

My goal is to lose 100 pounds.

Erika Powell said...

my tip is to only eat at the dining room table, it cuts down on boredom snacking. also diet with someone, then you always have support

Shirley said...

My goal is to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in September.

mindy said...

my weight loss tip is eat to live do not live to eat thanks for the giveaway

guru said...

My tip: enlist help. You need a support system to really make a lifestyle change. I go to Weight Watchers, but a family member or friend would work as well.

Anonymous said...

My weight loss tip is you don't have to have a gym membership to lose weight. Start small by just walking around the neighborhood.


Ticopi said...

My goal: know what "full" feels like. I eat what I see, and feel terrible afterward. So I am trying to get less and eat less.

Anonymous said...

To feel full more often than hungry...Drink lots of water, eat small pieces of fruit as a morning and afternoon snack and when I eat a big breakfast, average lunch and small dinner is when I do the best dieting. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com

AudreyO said...

Try to not eat late at night. I eat dinner by about 5:30 each night and nothing after that.

Becca said...

I have heard to eat all carbs at breakfast and lunch because you will burn them off throughout the day. Thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

Donna said...

I am trying to lose weight now. Drink plent of water is my tip.

Sarah said...

I want to lose the 120 pounds I have put on since my Hysterectomy. Great giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

My goal is to lose 31 lbs by this summer I think its doable but this book could definitely help. Thanks for a great giveaway

A family of boys said...

I need to lose about 75 pounds right now, but the biggest thing for me is to just get healthy. I'm tired of not being healthy or having the energy to keep up with my boys.

My biggest strategy that I'm working on right now is planning. I need to plan meals and snacks so we eat healthier. (which is working) I plan when I'm going to excercise because otherwise, it just gets put to the back burner.

thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

My best weight loss tip is to keep a food journal. Plan your meals and snacks and write down what you eat and drink. Everything - all the time! Just knowing you must write it down may keep you from grabbing that junky handful of (insert your red light food here)
Studies have shown that simply keeping a food journal - even if it isn't kept 100% perfectly - will help you lose weight. You may want to chart your feelings and exercise and weight in here too. That way you can track trends like - a difficult time for you might be late evening or when you're cleaning up after supper ( and eating off the kids' plates, etc.!) Good luck! Thanks for the giveaway! It sounds like a great set and very informative!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

My weight loss tip is to watch your portions- we eat on smaller plates so that our eyes don't tell our brains that we're not getting enough to eat.

jennifer57 said...

drinking more water and walking

taysmommy said...

drink water...lots of water...blah I hate it but it helps lots

John said...

By drinking more water and taking jogs every day you will do fine. The main thing is to be motivated, and sometimes its best to hire a trainer. Following a diet plan is best, and if problems with controlling the way you eat, simply check my articles on my site on sensa and how it may help you.