Our 7 Qtpies

March 23, 2009

I luv my lips!

The last couple of days we've had conversations about who the kids get their lips from.
Weird, I know. But it happened.
The other day it was Devon. Donnie says the boys have his lips, but I say Devon has my lips, they are clearly thinner than Donnie's, but Donnie says they are not as thin as my "non-existent" lips. Fine. But I don't agree, he does not have Donnie's fat lips.

Today Hope-Anne and Donnie were talking about it somehow and I happened to over hear the end of the conversation.

"Well, your mom would say you have her lips since yours are not as fat as bratwursts."

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

That is so funny!! I laughed out loud at this post! I will tell Donnie that his lips are like brats...LOL~ you are so funny, Lisa!