Our 7 Qtpies

March 05, 2009

Wash Me! A review and Giveaway!

Has anyone ever written that on your car windows? Well, here in rural Minnesota, we see that a lot! Car windows get so dirty from the dirt roads, who can resist? Even now, with the 12 inches of snow, OK, so it is melting now, nasty, dirty snow does get on your windows and makes for a nasty mess to deal with.

You have got to get those windows clean. Visibility is very important, especially with our slippery road conditions. My husband is a big fan of Rain-X products. He loves cleaning the windows with it and watching the water just bead up and slide right down, you barely need wipers! But sometimes you really need to deep clean those windows.
Rain-X has a great new product to get renew windows called X-treme Clean. X-Treme Clean quickly removes bugs and dirt and road grime from the windshield and restores headlights and clear plastic by removing haze and discoloration. It is a fantastic product! Bugs are hard to remove. X-treme Clean is a great prep to use before you use the original Rain-X on your windows.

But even more exciting is the Rain-X Latitude windshield wipers! You would NOT believe how amazing these things work! (when you put them on the correct side of the card) The wipers just perfectly swipe and the window is so free of water it is like it isn't even raining. (amazingly, we actually had rain here this winter. Once.)
I am a fan and I will not buy any other wiper blades now that I have tried these. They are easy to install, just remember that the driver side has the bigger blade than the passenger side. Ahem, just saying.

Easy Installation
For use on either originally installed standard or curved style wiper blades
Pre-installed with small j-hook adapter and contains multi-adapter for side pin, large j-hook and bayonet wiper blade arms
Rain-X Latitude® Version -2 wiper blades fit I&L (Insert & Lock) and PTB (Pinch Tab Button) wiper blade arms
High Performance Wipe
Contoured design applies even pressure along the entire blade length
Specially blended graphite coated rubber blade delivers the ultimate smooth, clean, chatter-free wipe
Built-in aerodynamic spoiler significantly reduces drag, noise and wind lift

Ice Resistant Frame
Prevents ice and snow build-up through the elimination of exposed metal components
Durable, rubber-encased substructure increases wiper flexibility and adherence to the windshield in harsh conditions

Be sure to do safety checks on your vehicles: check the tires, the wipers, the brake lights and blinkers, etc.

My Blog Spark would like to give you the chance to win 1 Rain-X Car Care Kit . The kit contains: 1 set of Rain-X Latitude (for your make and model of car), a bottle of Rain-X X-treme Clean glass and plastic renewer, and a bottle of Rain-X Weatherbeater 2-in-1 Glass Cleaner + Rain Repellent.

To Enter

  • Visit RainX and find a useful tip and come back here and comment on what you learned.
  • Leave me an email so I have a way to contact you if you win
  • Winners are chosen at random via

For Additional Entries (please leave as an additional comment):

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Giveaway ends March 20, the first day of spring! US residents only.

193 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for entering me in your giveaway! I learned (actually confirmed) that wiper blades should be replaced once a year :)
Thanks again!

Lisa said...

My hubby NEVER washes the van,the only time it gets washed is when there are new cheifs during being made and we pay for them to do it. My girlfriend who hates y car being dirty will take it and run it thru the wash LOL.

Anonymous said...

I learned that wiper blade splitting is caused when the sun's ultraviolet rays penetrate the rubber squeegee, causing it to breakdown and separate from the frame.

our wipers desperately need to be changed in both our vehicles!

Anonymous said...

subscriber :)

Wehaf said...

I learned that you should "[n]ever use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice."

urchiken at gmail dot com

Charlotte said...

"Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth"
that's a lot of tons to degrade car windows ....
great giveaway!
charm 32 @ y mail . com

Charlotte said...


charm 32 @ y mail . com

Charlotte said...

subscriber here
charm 32 @ y mail . com

Charlotte said...

3/6 twittered!

Carolyn G said...

You should change your wipers every six months but I do mine once a year

Carolyn G said...

I subscribe

Angela C said...

I learned that Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility. I am really bad at remembering to change my blades. We just changed them last weekend after 5 yrs. The only reason we changed them then is because they were shredded. Thanks for the giveaway:)

techyone said...

Each year an average of 105 snow-producing storms affect the continental United States. A typical storm will have a snow-producing lifetime of two to five days and will bring snow to portions of several states.

Reva Skie said...

I learned that Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth.

Deborah said...

I learned you should chance your wiper blades one a year; maybe we should set a day to do that, like we do for changing the batteries in our smoke detectors! And yes, your kids are Q-T-Pies! asthenight at gmail dot com

Renee G said...

I learned that A small fluffy cumulous cloud may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water.



I learned that you should never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice..was amazed by this too but it is ok to blow the snowoff correct

Anonymous said...

well who would have thought: Buffalo, NY is considered the wettest city in the continental 48 states receiving some form of precipitation a total of 169 days a year. And I thought the Northwest had the record! But as for a tip? Don't run the windshield wipers on an iced up window. Not good!


Anonymous said...

I subscribe by email.


Unknown said...

I learned that it is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year. I change them with every oil change.

Sandra K321 said...

90 percent of driving decisions are based solely on vision.

It was actually in the 60's here in Connecticut today so the cars got washed. They look so different without all of the salt on them!

Amy L said...

Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth.

A Reader said...

I learned that the new wiper blades are contoured to fit the shape of the car shield.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Janet said...

Change wiper blades every 6 months.


Janet said...

Twtr: gahome2mom follower too


Tammigirl said...

I learned you should replace wiper blades once a year. This is usually done right before the winter weather at our house. You've got to have good wipers in the winter!

Tammigirl said...

I tweeted

Tammigirl said...

I subscribed via email! My favorite way to subscribe.

ABCD Diaries said...

i learned every minute a billion tons of rain falls on the earth...i wish some of it would fall here in texas..we could really use it:) thanks!

Anonymous said...

I learned that 90% of all driving decisions are based on sight. Crazy you better be able to see good.

mar said...

I learned that 90% of driving decisions are based solely on vision.

randio said...

Some drivers often wait several years to replace wipers that went bad after only 6 months to a year!

Anonymous said...

I learned that we should change our wiper blades every six months to a year!

Anonymous said...

I was surprised to learn that 90% of driving decisions are based on sight! Hope everyone gets their annual vision exam LOL
PS- your kids are Q-Tpies :)
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

agordon10 said...

Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth

wendy wallach said...

I learned that 90% of driving decisions are based on vision.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

90% of driving decisions are based on vision - I find that so true, especially when driving at night or evening. My wipers really need replacing - leave dirty gaps on the windshield - been after my husband to change them. Have seen commercials for these - look great.

Denise S. said...

I learned that a small fluffy cumulus cloud may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water.

banquetbabe said...

i learned to change the windsheild wiper once a year

malleycc said...

I learned the 90% of driving decisions are based solely on vision.

Tes283 said...

A small fluffy cumulous cloud may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water.
Wow, that is a lot of water.

mverno said...

A survey of vehicles going through check lanes during National Car Care Month had shown that one in five vehicles had deficient windshield wipers or washing systems that could seriously impair the driver’s vision

Unknown said...

change the wipers once a year ~~~ thanks for the opp

CAmom04 said...

I learned that 90% of driving decisions are based solely on vision. This is a great reason why you should keep your wiper blades in good working order! Thanks for the great giveaway!


blades should be changed once a year



Polished10 said...

I learned that before you change your wiper blades, you need to stop them in the middle of your windshield. I never knew that! I have always stopped them at their normal position (like when it's not raining) & put the new ones in.

Patricia C said...

Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth

The Merry Death said...

I learned that car wax can damage wiper blades!

The Merry Death said...

I tweeted here...

Sheila Hickmon said...

I learned that Research indicates that 60% of the drivers who don’t install their own wiper blades cite difficult installation as the reason. The information was interesting! I had no clue about the amount of rain that falls! Thanks!!
hawkgirl_16 {at} hotmail {dot} com

Anonymous said...

you should charge wipers once a year

melsywsou said...

I never thought to clean my windshield every time I gas up!

Anonymous said...

My truck is my LIFE::if i loose my house, i'd glady live in a nice clean-windowed 2-cab.

Anonymous said...

I learned that a small fluffy cumulous cloud may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water.


Carol EL said...

Every minute of the day 1 billion tons of rain fall on the earth.

Carol EL said...

E-mail subscriber.

Dar said...

No buildup of ice on blades because there are no exposed metal parts! Thank you. In our area that is important.

Anonymous said...

Change every 6 months but if you use RainX on the windsheild the blades will last longer.

OffTheMap13 said...

Interesting. It said that there are lots of things in the air that can corrode the blades, which makes them less effective and needing replacement.

Anonymous said...

Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility.

Unknown said...

I have a Jeep Wrangler with plastic windows. The harsh winters here in upstate New York State have taken a toll on them. I can use Rain-X® X-treme CleanTM to renew these plastic windows and restore them by removing haze and discoloration. I didn't know such a product existed.

denyse said...

Wiper blades should be changed every 6 months.

Unknown said...

subscriber here

Anonymous said...

Have a great day.

Jessica said...

It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year.

Thanks for the great giveaway. I absolutely love Rain-X. The water just slides off of your windshield when you have it applied to your windows, barely need to even use your windshield wipers.


Jessica said...

Just did a tweet on Twitter about this contest.
gugel98Entered to win a Rain-X car care kit from I love this stuff. #swagbucks


suzie said...

I learned wiper blades should be replaced every 6 months to a year, but I also know that living here in NC (with the high heat), I have to replace mine more often. Thanks for the contest.
susan dot lockhart at gmail dot com

vboackle said...

whoops,i learned not to de-ice the windshield with the wipers.

Deborah said...

I learned that when traveling at 60mph, a full second can equate to 100 feet and may be the difference in avoiding a potential accident, so it's important to pay attention and to be able to see clearly. asthenight at gmail dot com

lsfish said...

It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year.

Rachel said...

Wiper blades should be changed once a year!

Melinda said...

wipers should be changed once a year, but sadly i don't always follow this rule. :-/

Melinda said...

blogged about your giveaway

sweetsue said...

You shouldn't de-ice your windows with your windshield wipers-something I am guilty of!
smchester at gmail dot com

llinda29 said...

retail locator finds the closest store

timothy l said...

Efficient wiper blades are as important to a vehicle's safe operation as clean oil and good tires. So remember to change your wiper blades at least once a year.with the bad winter around here good wiper blades are a must

Unknown said...

Wiper blades deteriorate due to many environmental factors including:

* Sun: Ultraviolet light and ozone deterioration
* Oil: Car waxes and exhaust hold rubber-deteriorating oil
* Airborne debris: Sand, mud and dust carried in the wind
* Moisture: Acid rain and salt water (in moist air both near the shore and inland)

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

mrssquigg said...

This I did not know: Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth.

Interesting factoid.

mrssquigg at comcast dot net

Cynthya said...

I learned that you should "Pull your wiper blades away from the windshield during winter months to prevent ice build up on the rubber squeegee and to prevent them from sticking to the windshield." Thanks for the giveaway!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least once a year.
This to my husband,is the Perfect giveaway.
Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway :)

jessica a said...

i learned that you should Clean your windshield every time you fill your gas tank

Erica C. said...

my car would love to get this as a present :) thanks!

jayne said...

Wiper Blades should be changed yearly. I had no clue!

Miss Spoken said...

Never try to use your wipers to remove ice from the windshield; stick to using an ice scraper.

Anonymous said...

The Anti-Fog product is good because in my old beater the defrosters don't work. Gets pretty cold in the winter with the windows open LOL

Anonymous said...

tweeted / lisagee123 Rain-X Car Care Kit~ than 5 seconds ago from web

rubynreba said...

You should change your blades every 6 -12 months.

bison61 said...

Drivers often wait several years to switch out a pair of wipers that went bad after only six to 12 months

tiramisu392 (at)

Anonymous said...

never de-ice your windshield with the wipers which i always do

Beverley said...

I didn't know it is recommended that you change your windshield wipers every six months. I just change them when they appear to need changing. Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

A small fluffy cumulous cloud may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water.

Anonymous said...

Buffalo, NY is the wettest city in the country. My "OpenID" is my contact email.

Lisa Samples said...

Drivers often wait several years to switch out a pair of wipers that went bad after only six to 12 months. 1

frozenman20 said...

you should change your blades every six months

Sarah Z said...

This is what I have going on now...."Streaking occurs when the rubber squeegee dries, hardens and cracks. It can also be caused by tree sap, road tar and other foreign substances collected on either the glass or the blade."
believedreamcourage (at)

Anonymous said...

Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility. -- It seems like I end up replacing at least one of mine about every six months anyway.

Princess Golden Hair said...

i didnt know that wiper blade splitting is caused when the sun's ultraviolet rays penetrate the rubber squeegee, causing it to breakdown and separate from the frame.

teechbiz at gmail dot com

Sonya said...

90% of driving decisions are based solely on vision.

mogrill said...

I had no idea that car wax damages wiper blades! Thanks for the Chance!!

Nickolay said...

I learned that they want you to change your wiper blades every 6 months, but I think they should be changed based on the wear and usage of them

Karen said...

I'd love the anti-fog product.

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

change blades every 6 months? I only do it when they go bad - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

msrodeobrat said...

i learned that your not supposed to de ice your windshield with your wipers.. which is something i do frequently in the winter

Tamara B. said...

Skipping occurs when the blade develops a curvature from lack of use (e.g.: left in the 'parked position' for an extended length of time). I always wondered why my wiper blades would do that from tiem to time.

Tamara B. said...

I am a subscriber.

heaventrees said...

I learned from the RainX website that "78 percent of motorists only change their wiper blades after the blades themselves begin to impair their visibility and have become a safety hazard."

I plead guilty.

Unknown said...

Clean your windshield every time you fill your gas tank. I don't do that, but DH does change my wiper blades once a year.
Thanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com

Nickolay said...

They say you are supposed to change your blades every 6 months, but I think you should change them based on how much you use them. Sometimes it may be more than 6 months, sometimes less.

Unknown said...

It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year.

I didn't know that.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know they should be changed every year. I thought they lasted longer. Guess I now know better.

Smooshy said...

the sun, moisture, airborn debris and oil deteriorate wiper blades

Anonymous said...

wipers should be changed about once a year

9_26 at myway dot com

Karen said...

I learned that one in five vehicles has deficient wipers or washing systems. Thanks for the giveaway.

asmgsk at gmail dot com

ky2here said...

Every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth.

Anonymous said...

I learned that you should clean your windshield each time you get gas. I guess there's more than reason to do this. (I know when I was a kid it was always full service gas and they always cleaned the windshield.)


1993wel said...

I learned you should never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Use an ice scraper or de-icer instead!

Anonymous said...

A small fluffy cumulous cloud may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water.

Leslie S. said...

I learned that one billion tons of rain fall on the earth every minute.Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My family loves RainX. My husband keeps a deal in our cars all the time.

Carolyn Ellis

tesashel said...

I learned you should change your wiper blades every year, but I wait until they're falling apart, which is usually when I need them most!

Anonymous said...

Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility. I don't thiink about it until it is usually too late... thnks for the entry

rosannepm said...

90% of driving decisions are based solely on vision

rosannepm said...

I subscribe

Molly C. said...

I learned that every minute of the day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the earth

Anonymous said...

Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility

pitaharmon said...

I learned this about my wipers:Skipping occurs when the blade develops a curvature from lack of use (e.g.: left in the 'parked position' for an extended length of time).

Anonymous said...

I would love the chance to win, thanks.

dhunt said...


idahomom said...

Change your blades annually.

Heather B said...

I learned wipers should actually be changed once a year, I've always waiting till they weren't working properly or the man when i went to get my oil changed told me they looked bad!

jennem said...

Never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice.

Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

imaclutz89 said...

I learned that you are supposed to change your windshield wipers every year.

imaclutz89 said...

I tweeted.

monky said...

I learned that Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting web site. I learned wipers should be changed once a year. I am alittle far behind on that, and complain every day that we need new wipers. I'll get it done soon. Thanks for the entry!

Happi Shopr said...

Wiper blade splitting is caused when the sun's ultraviolet rays penetrate the rubber squeegee, causing it to breakdown and separate from the frame.

trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

AICORP said...

I learned that windshield wipers should be replaced. Ok, I knew that they should be replaced but I never knew they should be replaced annually. I've always replaced them when I couldn't see out of my windshields any longer.

smdrm said...

Splitting is caused when the sun's ultraviolet rays penetrate the rubber squeegee, causing it to breakdown and separate from the frame.
smdrm at earthlink dot net


It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year. I know I don't change mine that often- I usually wait until they start to fall apart : )
Thanks for the giveaway!!


chromiumman said...

wiper blades should be changed every 6 months

Aisling said...

I learned that Rain-X also has windshield fluid that powers off bugs, road grime and salt, removes light snow and frost, will not ice up on windshield to 0°F, repels rain and helps prevent rain, sleet and snow from sticking. I need some of that!

Unknown said...

I learned that they prevent ice and snow build up because they are not metal.

Anonymous said...

I learned that: wiper blades should be replaced every 6 months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.


Anonymous said...

You should change your wipers every six months.


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Being in WA State where it rains all the time, I think we could use this. LOL

I learned wiper blades should be changed at least every year (which means it's more than time for us to change ours - oops!)

stormraven at gmail dot com

Dave said...

I learned that "Drivers often wait several years to switch out a pair of wipers that went bad after only six to 12 months." Well, at least I know I'm not the only one! Thank you for the chance to win.

carolpie said...

I learned the wiper blade splits from the sun.

luckichicka said...

I learned that you need to replace your blades every year...I had no idea. I thought when they start scratching the windshield they are almost at their end of life.

prplrush said...

I've learned that instead of waiting until my wiper blades make it visually impossible for me to drive while it's raining to change them, to instead change them once a year!

Anonymous said...

Change your blades twice a year if you live up North. Be sure to put winter blades on in the Winter season and change to regular blades for the Summer

Jason Simmons

Anonymous said...

Wow! I learned that Rain-X also has windshield fluid that powers off bugs, road grime and salt, removes light snow and frost, will not ice up on windshield to 0°F, repels rain and helps prevent rain, sleet and snow from sticking. Awesome giveaway! Thanks

Jinxy and Me said...

Don't use your wipers to try to get ice off your windshield.

Jinxy and Me said...

I tweeted about your giveaway (username ThriftyJinxy)

nickyle said...

Learned that:
Streaking occurs when the rubber squeegee dries, hardens and cracks. It can also be caused by tree sap, road tar and other foreign substances collected on either the glass or the blade.

Thank you for the chance to be able to see out my windshield :)

nickyle said...


Bakersdozen said...

I learned that "a survey of vehicles going through check lanes during National Car Care Month had shown that one in five vehicles had deficient windshield wipers or washing systems that could seriously impair the driver’s vision". vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Living in Alaska said...

Rain-X Latitude® windshield wiper blades are constructed of specially blended graphite-coated rubber blades designed to deliver a smooth, clean, chatter-free wipe.

We love these wiper blades in the snowy north.

Anonymous said...

From their tip section it says it is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year

Anonymous said...

tweeted you

Anonymous said...

subscribed to you via email!

ardy22 at

ladyvon5845 said...

I really need this. My washer on the passenger side has a piece fliping around. I learned that Buffalo, Ny is the wettest city in the US.

idahodad7 said...

Change your wipers once a year on Ground Hog day.

Fangirl Jen said...

The sun is what breaks down wiper blades.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for entering me in your giveaway!

purplepassion126 said...

When checking wiper blades, vvaluate both the rubber squeegee and the metal frames to avoid common problems such as streaking, skipping, chattering, wearing and splitting.

Anonymous said...

Each year an average of 105 snow-producing storms affect the continental United States. A typical storm will have a snow-producing lifetime of two to five days and will bring snow to portions of several states


TRUN said...

Change your wiperblades once a year I learned -- Thanks !


Never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice.

Unknown said...

Wiper blades should be replaced once a year? I think I have changed mine once in the last 4 years! OOPS!


Marilyn said...

I learned that it is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year.

Thank you,

Marilyn said...

I subscribed in Google reader.

Thank you,

Marilyn said...

I tweeted this post - corjong

Thank you,

Donna M. Clark said...

I learned that the closest place for me to buy RainX product is at VIP Discount Auto Parts in Ellsworth, 64 miles from my home. Now that has me wondering, though, because we actually have a VIP here in Machias area.

cman said...

You should never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice.

Betty C said...

Although we are pretty well past the worst of winter I like the following tip: As the temperature drops, keep your gas tank at least half full; the extra gas helps reduce condensation that can plug your fuel line with ice and stall your engine in cooler weather

Sue said...

I loved this tip... Never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice.
I do that ALL the time in the winter. I have a new goal for next year.
Thanks for the giveaway~

Anonymous said...

Of the multiple safety tips offered, checking/replacing the wiper blades is the most frequently overlooked :(

Whammo said...

It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year.

Whammo said...


Whammo said...

Tweeted this post - whammo52

Anonymous said...

I learned that wiper blades should be changed at least every year

Anonymous said...

Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year or as soon as you notice a difference in driving visibility.

flared0ne said...

When wiper blades no longer make reliable contact with the window, they're due for a change.

Anonymous said...

Using your wiper blades to try to remove something "stuck on" is going to reduce their lifespan -- they are designed to simply 'squeegee' water off the surface, not to scour off mud or etc...

Anonymous said...

I learned on the installation instructions to slighhtly tug on the wiper blade to ensure installation is secure. retirenaval(at)

Brian E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway..."It is recommended that wiper blades be changed at least every year" opposed to replacement when you are caught in a rainstorm and you have a complete wiper failure !!!

senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Subscribed to blog by email. retirenaval(at)

Donna said...

The blades are easy to install.

Donna said...

I am a subscriber.

Anonymous said...

i learned that small fluffy cumulous clouds may hold 100 to 1000 tons of liquid water

9_26 at myway dot com