Here, I managed to get a snapshot of the T.O.T.
Just the other day there was a poopy pants that I needed to change, so the T.O.T. decided to hide from me while I was on the phone. A hidden T.O.T. is a danger, you know, but I forgot in the silence. Then I heard the toilet flushing several times and I knew there was a disaster happening. I envisioned a flooded bathroom, poop everywhere, clogged toilet, so I went running! What greeted me was a locked door.
"T.O.T., open the door, please."
"No! (insert evil laughing)"
"T.O.T. open the door, I need to get in."
"No! (insert more evil laughing)"
It goes on from there until I was banging on the door threatening bodily injury in a high pitched screech. Thankfully he had only been plunging the not-clogged toilet and hadn't done any real damage.
Also a few days ago, Donnie, my beloved, had come home from a long day of pulling a float in a parade and said to me "Honey, Peter threw a football into what we thought was an empty truck." I thought it was going to turn out that they hurt someone or something, but no, it was another T.O.T. sighting. "Then T.O.T. popped up and said 'Cookie!'" Well, wouldn't you know, I had gone shopping for an event and left the food safely in the truck so T.O.T. wouldn't get into it, but he broke into the truck and ate my cookies! You have got to be careful of these T.O.T.s.
They don't like to be busted, either. They get a bit of an attitude at times.
Donnie asked the T.O.T. "Did you pee your pants?" and he answered "No." but then he felt the back of his shorts and must have noticed he HAD peed because then we heard "Awwwwww!" in a disgusted voice.
Hope-Anne was being a great sister and teaching T.O.T. how to blow bubbles with bubble gum. He stuck it out on his tongue and blew............... it right into his lap. He got so frustrated that he said "Awwww! Danggit!" Yes! The T.O.T. even has some bad language!
Or worse than an attitude: Kaytlin was driving T.O.T. home from church on Sunday and he got mad that Mommy wasn't with him so he started screaming for mommy. When Kaytlin wouldn't produce mommy T.O.T. threw a toy truck and beaned her in the head! When she still wouldn't take him to mommy he started taking off his shoes to throw at her! When they got home he took off and hid behind the trash cans and cut his foot.
Ignoring a T.O.T. is not a good idea, they might climb right on top of your head and sit on it.
So, be warned of the Tornado of Terror, you might have one lurking in your house, too.
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LOL, oh yes we have one lurking in our home. He's in the early I know what to look for.
They say forewarned is forearmed. Thanks! =)
We have MANY! 7 boys under the age of 8! They crawl on top of their sisters too! And the toilet, why such an infatuation with that? Water, another issue. I could go on and on! Urinating in and on everthing EXCEPT the toilet! UUUGGGHHH!
Thanks for letting me know I am not alone!
Oh, dear! T.O.T. -- that is too funny!
Hi, as you can see this is my first post here.
Hope to receive any help from you if I will have any quesitons.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)
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