Our 7 Qtpies

September 11, 2009

And now for something completely different!

I'm not going to blog about the T.O.T. right now! I know, right?!

We kind of lost our minds in July and let Cody get a puppy. But just to prove how completely stupid we really are, we let Hope-Anne get one, too. Her puppy is half Australian Shephard, which is an amazingly smart breed of dog. We had one a long time ago and she was so smart and fun and wonderful. We miss her so much. We are hoping Nova will be even half as smart as our Mesa was. Donnie and I attemped to garden this year. We fenced off a small area (to keep the rabbits and stupid cats who pee on everything out) and even put some manure in it. But after fertilizing it we actually kept adding rows of food, so not all of it was fertlized. And by "we" I mean Donnie.
I wanted some lettuce, and that worked out great! We had fresh lettuce all the time. I also wanted cucumbers, but they didn't grow at all. Donnie planted corn and carrots, but didn't weed them down when they came up, so they were really close together. Not good. LOL We had Donnie's dad plant potatoes to get him out of the house and moving his aging body. Those turned out pretty good.
Here is one of the very, very small potatoes, but we actually got a lot of normal size potatoes.
Here is our corn and carrots and potatoes. Go ahead and laugh, we did!

We did get some somewhat edible size of corn and carrots, too, but mostly not of the carrots. The corn was pretty good, actually.

It was a fun experiment that we are going to repeat next year. Hopefully we learned from our mistakes. And by "we" I mean Donnie. I told him to weed out the carrots several times, lol.

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Jackie said...

You did WAY better than I could ever do! Great job!

And I love the "we". Use it all the time!

Carina said...

Our garden was perhaps not a hugs success this year either. Parts of it anyway.

Oh, and I've been meaning to say...your swagbucks thing keeps covering up the words of your posts and it's very hard to read.

JAM said...

I wish you better luck with raising dogs than you did with raising a crop.

Love the little ear of corn.