Our 7 Qtpies

August 13, 2010

I guess it's time to let the cat out of the bag....

Last night I was exhausted and fell asleep on the couch. Donnie sent me off to bed with Sam, who was not tired due to a nap fiasco. So I turned on some kid shows for him to calm down to while I slept. I was awoken to a glass bottle being knocked off my headboard onto my head. OUCH!!!

I decided that it was time for Sam to SLEEP, so I shut the TV off on him. Which set off the usual protesting while he rolls around the bed like he is in agony.

"Its dark, I can't see! I want TV! I hate you! I not like you anymore!"
And then came the strangest reason he has ever come up with to get the TV back on.

"I'm pregnant!!"

Umm, I guess I shouldn't use that as a reason to get my way around the house anymore, since he so obviously picked it up, lol. He is missing the whole baby in the belly part of "pregnant" but still, it was hilarious!

Yes, I am pregnant! Baby #8 is due in April!

10 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

Ha my first thought was you were going to have a kitten.... LOL I love he picked up on your excuse.. a big congrats to you and the family.

Carina said...

That's great! Sam's a real character!

Cheryl Pitt said...

Oh congrats, I'm so happy for you! I hope this baby helps heal your heart :)

michelle said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys!!!

Joyful Noise said...

Hooray! So excited for you!

MamaArcher said...


Second, That is just hilarious!

Janean said...

YEeeeHAWWW...congratulations!! My mentor and I just delivered a number 8 last week. :D

Mrs. Stam said...

How are you feeling now, I see no post over here, is everything ok?

Misty said...

Congratulations! So happy for you!

Mackey said...

Yippeeee!!!!! I'm also pregnant with our 8th. Congrats!!!!