Our 7 Qtpies

October 07, 2010

Aksel Maximus

On October 4, 2010 our son Aksel Maximus was born straight into the arms of our Lord. He was perfectly formed and beautiful even at only 14 weeks, and we were very clearly able to see that he was, indeed, a son.

Aksel means Father of Peace and Maximus means The Greatest. It was a strong name we had picked out for him a couple weeks previous to his birth. We are so thankful for the good his death has brought into our lives. While we wish we had him, we have still been very blessed by him while we had him. He has brought some peace to us, as weird as that sounds. Many, many friends have come and comforted us, helped us dedicate our son to God before we left him, and offered words of comfort and many, many prayers.

It has been very rough for me, physically, and I am not recuperating as well as I should be. It appears that the placenta was attached to my c-section scar, and because of that it wasn't coming out in one piece. I bled a LOT and passed out about 15 minutes after he was born. After a few hours and a threat of a D&C I called and asked for prayers. The bleeding immediately slowed down. God is good! 4 days later I am still not able to get my hemoglobin levels back up and am having some minor issues, but I will get back to healthy soon.

We really found it healing to be able to see our baby, to know he was a boy and be able to name him. It was much easier emotionally than a miscarriage that leaves things unanswered. His perfect little body put us and all who saw him in awe of our awesome creator God!

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Lisa said...

Lisa I am sorry for the loss of your little one. I am so very thankful for the Peace of God upon you and Donnie at this season in your life. What a beautiful and strong name for your son. I am thankful you were able to give him a name and time to say goodbye. I will continue to pray for your healing. Love you.Lisa

michelle said...

Lisa...I am so so sorry for your loss. You will be in my prayers. My heart goes out to you.


Joyful Noise said...

It is nice to be able to have that brief time with him and "know" who he was like you said. God is good and I am so glad that you have peace in knowing. Wish I could have been there for you but know that I was on my knees for you and still am.

Me said...

Donnie & Lisa,
I am so very sorry for your loss!! What a beautiful name you gave this sweet little baby boy. We have been praying for your family, my heart truly broke when I heard the news. This passage has given me great comfort over the years and I hope it does for you as well. II Corithians 1:3-7 Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help, we would truly love to in anyway. Love you guys!