Our 7 Qtpies

October 23, 2012

Life changes

It is so funny how fast life changes sometimes. I was comfortable with homeschooling my kids, living in a smallish town with great friends, great church, close enough to family to go see them, but not close enough to want to kill them.
Now I have no babies, all of my kids still at home are in public school, we are in a HUGE metroPLEX (metroPLEX, people!), Can't see my family without major planning and some moolah, and no idea where we are going to find a church. I sell Pure Romance, and LOVE it!

I've never been independent before. Not that I totally am, I just could be if I chose to be. I got married while still in high school, so I have never supported myself, gone to just one year of college back when I had 6 kids, just to prove I could do it. But now, with Pure Romance I feel so good about myself, what I can do, and how I help women. It isn't about sex, though that is great in your marriage, of course. It is about relationships, and knowing yourself and having a true intimacy in your marriage. I help women with their body issues, their sexual health issues, their problems with intimacy that hurts their marriage. It is so fulfilling to have someone call you and thank you for showing them that they COULD get through something and how it saved their marriage! THAT is what this is about.
The bonus is what it has done for me, personally. All the training, the changing, the growth, the empowerment! I KNOW that I could support myself and my kids if something ever happened and I needed to. I KNOW that I can be successful, make a lot of money, IF I wanted to. But I also know that I can have fun, help people, make some money doing it, and still be with my family and maintain the standard we want.

Texas is a huge change, but we are handling it. Frustration at every turn. But great weather, and lots of opportunities for the kids and us. At some point we'll have friends, a church, know our way around, and life will feel even better!

But right now, I love most of my life! If I could change one thing that would make me overjoyed it would be having all the adult kids living here, too, so I could see all of them and the grandbabies. The rest I can deal with.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Carina said...

I think Texas is pretty awesome. Granted, I haven't lived there since I was 7, but I have great memories. =)