Our 7 Qtpies

February 10, 2007

Looky what I found!

Ok, so I'm lazy. I put everyone I like to read on a fairly hourly basis on my blog roll, line, whatever its called??? I just click down the list every day. I have more that I read often in my favorites, but it is messier and more time consuming.
So I'm trolling along my blog list over there, cause I'm so cool and all, and what do I find? Go check it out over at Don't Give Him Crackers. I'll wait for ya.

(doo, doo, DO DO, doo doo dooooooo)

Someone blogged about ME!!!!! Ha! How cool is that? And do you know just how cool I am? I immediately cut and pasted her blog address into my msn messenger to my mommy! "Mommy, mommy, look at this!" Haha! I'm just so cool. I know. You don't have to tell me. But you can, I'm cool with that.

Yep, that totally made my day. And then I went off to my monthly ladies night out, gabbed all night with my girlfriends, and found out what a loser I am because all I had to talk about was all the things I find on blogs. But, to Raising Future Esthers, (way at the bottom of the page) where I found the story of drinking too much tea in a mexican restaurant and having to pee, but the bathroom stalls were locked with no one in them, well, lets just say a pregnant friend of mine was near peeing her pants laughing hearing your tale. Well, actually, all of us nearly peed ourselves laughing at that one!

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Jessica said...

Yay! Now I have been blogged about! Love it! :) Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ok, to make life simpler go to

set up an account! They keep track of your fave blogs, and update, so you don't have to keep checking!! It's wonderful!

Oh, and I've learned that when I'm out with friends, I don't say I learned something from a blog, I say "oh one of my friends..." they never have to know that all my "friends" are people I've never met!! Viola!

Qtpies7 said...

thanks, flipflopmama! I have a bloglines thing, but I hate it. It keeps adding blogs I don't want and it comes up in explorer, which I hate. Bugger.
I started to call people my "friends" but then thought it was funny to do that when I don't even know people's first names, lol.