Our 7 Qtpies

June 01, 2007


Last night Cody, Hope-Anne, Kaytlin, Sam and I went to the grocery store. Kaytlin has her permit so she was driving. At the red light she makes a right hand turn. This worries Cody that she is breaking a law.

C: Wasn't that a red light, Kaytlin?
K: Yep.
C: You just turned, though, wasn't it red?
K: Yes, I'm a rebel.
C: Cool, we're rebels!
Mom: Riding in the car with a rebel doesn't make you a rebel, dear.

C: I'm a rebel. I've gone cross walking.

(hysterical laughing from the front seat cues a lesson on the difference between crosswalking and jay walking)

7 people think my kids are qtpies:

Mimi Lenox said...

Many bloggers, including WW participants, will be flying Peace Globes in the blogosphere on Wednesday, June 6, 2007. It is BlogBlast for Peace day - the second annual event. Please consider using your Wordless Wednesday platforms on this day to participate. You can find more information about the movement at Mimi Writes or BlogBlast for Peace or
Thanks and peace!

byoc said...

I love that picture - James Dean - move over! It was a cute conversation - one to pass along

Special K ~Toni said...

That is cute! I'm a rebel by association also!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

Hi! I just had to tell you I have a daughter named HopeAnn (with no E) too! I've never met anyone else with that name so I thought that was neat! I love your blog....very fun! =)

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

too cute ...

Have a good weekend.

JAM said...

The true beauty of stuff like this is that you'll remember and they'll forget and at the appropriate time for acute embarrassment, you can tell their friends or whoever, what they said and did.

He's rockin' the blue hair.

Qtpies7 said...

Just so you guys know, Cody does not have a mohawk OR purple hair, it was wacky hair day at school and since he wanted his head shaved anyways, we just did the mohawk for the day.
He does look pretty awesome in it though! I almost wanted him to keep it!