Our 7 Qtpies

September 28, 2007

Love Letters to a Child

(This contest has now ended)
Tracey Finck is a wonderful lady and I am so glad to know her personally. Her daughter was my daughter's very first friend when we moved to Minnesota and Tracey befriended me and introduced me to a Bible study group.
When I found out she had written a book I was so excited! I called her and asked if I could promote her book and have a give-away. Tracey has generously offered to give away an autographed copy of her book Love Letters to a Child: A Resource for Parents and Grandparents. Here is some information about the book:

Do you long to connect deeply with your children? To have a positive impact on their lives? To celebrate successes and discoveries as well as ordinary moments spent together? If this is what you want, but the distractions of daily life get in the way, then this book is for you.

Writing a love letter or making an entry in a journal for your child takes only 10 minutes and is an effective way to
Affirm your child’s uniqueness as a creation of God
Bond with your child
Celebrate and encourage character growth
Document milestones in your child’s spiritual journey
Establish a family legacy

This book provides examples and ideas to get you started. Years from now you’ll be glad you did.

You can find the book at Amazon or with the publisher Winepressbooks. I know you are going to love this book, my friend Nikki is using it now and has a review up on her blog.

To win an autographed copy of Tracey's book:
1. Leave a comment for one entry.
2. Link to the contest post for a second entry.

The give-away ends October 14, and the winner will be announced on October 15th. Please leave a way to be reached, blog or email, so that we can contact you if you win. I'll wait 3 days for a response before I pick a different winner.

This contest has ended.

61 people think my kids are qtpies:

Kat said...

It sounds like a wonderful book! How neat that you get to know her personally.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I also added this to my contest roundup for today.

Sunday Edition of Contests Galore

yofed said...

Count me in! I'll read any book you tell me to! ;)

Maude Lynn said...

This sounds like a really wonderful book.

Andrea said...

ooooo...sounds like a good book! Thanks for the fun contest! I linked to it as well at:

Allie said...

Wow! I absolutely LOVE the idea about this book!! I will definitely be posting and linking about this on my blog tomorrow!!

You know, people called me anal when I commented that I was scared that my children would never know how much they truly meant to me. I created "anything" boxes for each child that I put things that I feel are important, meaningful or funny into them. Things such as their "coming home" outfits from the hospital, the horoscope for the day they were born from the local paper and what I call love thoughts. I have recipe cards should a moment come about me that I just want to write down how I feel and then place them into the keepsake box. Anyways, the whole point of this long winded comment is that it is so reassuring that others feel the same as I do when it comes to letting their child(ren) know how much they have meant to their parents over the years.

Christine said...

Enter me, please!

I posted a link to this giveaway HERE.

Kathy in WA said...

Sounds like a wonderful book! How delightful to share one with blogging friends. Thanks!

Duckabush Blog

~Amber~ said...

WOW! Sounds like an awesome book, so count me in!!!! Here, I blogged about it!

Shana said...

I would love to read this book. I am going to add the contest to my sidebar. :o)

Mrs. Stam said...

Wow what a neat idea, to leave to you child a memoir of her life!!!

Michelle said...

I would LOVE to win this book. I've always wanted to do something like this for my girls but never really thought how. This is so smart! Please enter me!

I posted a link on my blog too

Anonymous said...

This book sounds like such an amazing idea! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, so even if we don't win, we would know about it and can look for it.
I've blogged about it too!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered, and I have also blogged about the contest at This sounds like a great book. I haven't been winning anything lately...I think my very short winning streak is over. Perhaps this contest will change everything for me again.

Anonymous said...

This book sounds amazing!! Please enter me in the drawing (although I have to confess that I'll be buying multiple copies of the book whether I win or not...what a great gift idea!) I will definitely post a link on my blog for your giveaway!

Alexia said...

Sounds like a good book! Please enter me.

I've mentioned you on my blog:

Sallie said...

This sounds like an awesome book!!

God bless,

Sallie said...

I just posted my link to you as well..

God bless,

Sassyfrazz said...

I would love to win this book! I think it would be great to journal for the kids...and it shows ideas on how to do that. Please enter me,and I will be posting it, too!

Thanks! :)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Count me in! :)

Unknown said...

I found you over in BLOG VILLAGE and would like to enter for this book. I have already raised my two sons, however there will come a time that I will be a grandma!

I will add a link on my book blog over at

Melly said...

Please enter me too, i would love this book!
I think you can't do enough for your kids in these times. Thanks for this great offer!
I can be reached at my blog or with this email:
Mel (dot) Mathews (at) gmx (dot) net

just replace the dot and at with the "Real MacCoy" .. you know what i mean right? *lol*

And i will put it in my blog too.
And while we are at it: I just love your blog and enjoy reading it!
love and hugs

Arielle said...

I would love to win this book also! I enjoy reading your blog and I am not sucking up to win anything, but you are an inspiration for having 7 kids and being able to keep up with your blog. I admire you greatly!
I can barely keep up and I only have 2 little boys.

I scrapbook for my kids so they know how much I love them. I started scrapping 7 years ago, but when I got thyroid cancer and it scared me to think I might not be around for my kids, I started scrapping even more hard core.
This book seems like a great read and inspiration as well.

Thanks for the contest!

Arielle said...

Oh I also linked your contest on my blog! Thanks!

Amanda said...

I added your contest on my blog. I too am hosting a blog giveaway.

Here is my post for your blog

It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

Count me in too! Looks like a great book. I posted on my blog, too.

A Captured Reflection said...

Could I possibly join in? As a Mum this is sooo important and it sounds a great book. I am in New Zealand, so maybe too far away? I will post on my blog about this contest too.

Polly Pierce said...

Hi There!

I don't know quite how I found your blog but it's great! I love the header, with your "Seven QTPies" in the frame; it's simply gorgeous.

Just like Karen in New Zealand, I live a long way away too; in Ireland. I would love to be included in the contest though; if that is possible; 'Love Letters to a Child' sounds so nice.

I have two kids and a partner. We try and live a Christian life and I am very slowly working my way through the Bible with the help of some good friends.
Your blog & site are lovely! I'm going to add a link to my blog, if I can figure out how to do it!

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Life is short, and our children grow up so quickly---we all need this book to remind us to find ways to let our children know how much we love them...

Thank you for this giveaway.

(Instead of leaving my email address, I'll check back to see if I won--my son says that I'm a security freak!)

Rockin' Mama said...

What a beautiful book.

If I post on my blog I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

This book sounds wonderful. Count me in for an entry.

Anonymous said...

This is just the inspiration I need to get all of my thoughts onto paper.
Le Anne

Bess said...

This book sounds great! Just the thing I am trying to do with my daughter. Count me in!

Karen's Korner said...

Whatever age your child, this sounds like a really good source of inspiration.

Christy@pipandsqueak said...

I am such a sentimental sap. It would be great for me to get new ideas on how to be sappy and write letter to my daughter that will be remembered for her entire life.

Courtney said...

This would be great. Please enter me.

Julie Y. said...

This book sounds wonderful! I'd love to read it.

Mrs. Patton said...

What a geat idea! I can't wait to read! said...

This sounds like a fabulous book - I'll look for it if I don't win! :) count me in!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great. Thanks for the chance to win it!
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Sassyfrazz said...

I am signed up and linked up! I think this book looks great! How are you doing?

madamspud169 said...

I've just decided recently to start a jouirnal with some writings & memories written down for my son to hopefully cherish when I'm gone.
This book sounds like a great help for me to accomplish this as I really want to make something my son will treasure & love all his life.

anavarre1331 said...

I started journaling for both of my girls the day i found out i was pregnant. They are records of thier precious lives right from the start. I am on the second journal for my 20 month old and my 6 week olds journal is slowly filling. I never want to forget all the wonderful things they do. I plan on giving the journals to them when they begin to have children. The journals will trigger so many emotions and leave them with a little piece of me. This book will help me make the most out of my efforts.

Brandi said...

I would LOVE to win that book. It sounds wonderful and challenging all at the same time!

Thanks for considering me!


Anonymous said...

Enter me, please!! :) I would love to win that book!

Cath said...

Please enter me in your drawing! This book looks wonderful.

Cath said...

Here is a link to my post about your giveaway.

Brandie said...

Sounds like a fabulous book! Please count me in! =)

*Tanyetta* said...

perfect! please enter my name to win! thank you.

Mrs.Garcia said...

Please enter me into this contest.

stacey said...

What a great idea! This is something I've thought about since we had our first baby 2.5 weeks ago! Count me in. Thanks!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Would love to be included.


Anonymous said...

What a cute site, I would lvoe to be entered that looks like a great book!

Leeann said...

I love this! I write my children a personal letter every year on their birthday. Not even their Dad has read these letters. It is a way to leave memories and hopes for my children. If anything (let's hope not!) were ever to happen to me, my children would have this very special gift, straight from my heart!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks! I posted the info. on my blog at

Chelle Y. said...

Sounds like a cool book!

Betsy said...

Great giveaway!

Candes said...

Thank you for having this giveaway. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I stumbled across this blog!!! This is a book that I so need right now! Even if I don't win, I'll have to see if I cn buy it.

Marcia G said...

sounds like a wonderful book!! Would love to win it! Thanks for the chance!

Wendy said...

I'd love to get a copy of this. It's something I really mean to do for my kids. They'd love it! (Honestly, who's children wouldn't?)