Our 7 Qtpies

November 08, 2007

Have you ever thrown a mixer out the window?

Well, I did. I was shocked that it didn't break the first time I threw it out. It broke the second time, so I couldn't run any more videos, lol. I'm stuck with what I filmed. But that's OK, it was funny, even if the sun was bright and I messed up the very difficult and silly name. But whatever! Hey, if you love me, would you go to youtube and give me a 5 star rating?? I'll pay for it. Do you want linky love? I can pay that. Thanks! Love you back!

Samuel is doing better at eating, but he still seems to be tugging at his ears in spite of the antibiotics. I haven't heard about the last test result STILL. But I think he is probably going to be fine, I'm just going to have to bring him back in for his ears again and we'll see what is going on.

I have some goofy little kids here today, and I'll post some pics later, the camera is recharging.
We made some cards for fun, and let me warn you, teaching two 2 year olds and a 3 year old how to use stamps is not a job for the faint of heart. They insisted on inking the back of the stamp over and over and then would get mad when it wouldn't make a pattern on the paper, lol. I think they wanted to see the design when they inked it or something. Anyway, they did not get it. But they liked the pictures when I butted in and helped them with every single stamp. We are all covered in ink.

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

You are so funny! I saw that video. If you don't win one... something's wrong!

Wendy said...

Your video is too cute! You must really want that mixer.

Unknown said...

Your video rocked! And stamping with the kids sounds exasperating and fun, too! I miss having munchkins around!

Was whatever your hubby did to make the Kodak video work in Movie Maker really complicated? Or do you think it's something he could teach me? :)