Our 7 Qtpies

November 07, 2007

Sam's 1 year pictures

I went to get Samuel's one year pictures taken last night. I had some errands to run, so I had Cody give Sam a bath. Later I was talking to Cody about getting Sam dressed and Cody went off on how the outfit I had hanging up for him to wear in the pics was "for a funeral." This is his rant:
C: Yeah, you are dressing him for a funeral!
L: What are you talking about? His clothes are cream and blue colored.
C: Look at these! They are "Drew" aren't they? You know it, they are so Drew you can't deny it! I mean LOOK at them! They are........ kinda.......... nice....... and if they maybe.......... came in a bigger size......... umm, I'd wear them. Yeah, you should make Sam wear this outfit for him main picture and the other one for the other pics. Definitely this outfit. It is really nice. Just perfect for Sam to wear. I really would like an outfit like this one in my size.

Yes, my jaw dropped to the floor. Weirdo.

So, we rush off to get the Wallyworld before 4pm for his appointment, and we were there early. I sat there from 3:50 to 5pm before she took Sam's pics. And then she screwed up and an 8x10 I ordered isn't on the receipt, and I saw her put it in the computer. I have to call and fix that.
The pics were really cute. Sam smiled for every one, despite the aggravation of having to wait so long.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

I am excited to see his pictures! I am glad they turned out. That is a long time to wait with a 1 yr. old!