It hurt so much to eat or drink anything.
Wouldn't you know it, but we had plans that weekend. We went to my husband's work function, which happened to be a fancy, catered dinner. Oh, yes. Delicious chicken, roast, potatoes, salads, and cheesecake. Cheesecake with chocolate and caramel and nuts on top, that's right, Turtle Cheesecake.
I was in pain with every bite. It was difficult to hide the pain, and I was a bit embarrassed to have to admit that I was having dental issues.
But here is a product that would have been great help to me, I had never heard of Dentemp OS before. It is a product that you can use to fix your filling back in place or even to temporarily fix a cap that came off for a temporary dental repair. Amazing!
Dentemp OS relieves the pain and temporarily fixes the problem so well that you can eat on the tooth in 30 minutes! There are 6 repairs in the package, which are ready to use without mixing.
Wouldn't that have saved me the pain and embarrassment that weekend? I would have really enjoyed all that catered food a whole lot better.
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