Our 7 Qtpies

November 21, 2007

Sleep, Sleep, Where are you?

I am getting so tired of not getting my sleep. I don't think it is Sam's fault, I know something must be bothering him to keep waking him up so many times. Unless maybe he really isn't awake when he fusses.
Last night was better and worse. He woke up less, but fussed longer and louder. Instead of several times an hour, he woke up every hour.
He fell asleep at 12:02, yes, I was watching.
Woke up at 2:05. Cried for about 2-3 minutes.
Woke up at 3:05. Cried for a few minutes.
Woke up at 4:05. Cried for a few minutes.
Woke up at 5:05. Cried for a few minutes.
Woke up at 7:05. Cried for several minutes.
It is almost 8, so I expect him to wake up soon.
It is weird, because I have been nursing him all those times, which number more than above, to get him back to sleep quickly. But yesterday I cut him off, and he didn't ask to nurse at all through the night. Maybe he wasn't looking for it before? He did take a bottle 2 of those times last night, but only a little bit of it.

We are done nursing now. He asked to nurse last evening, and he was cranky because he is getting sick, but as I was trying to undo my nursing clip he bit me through my bra so hard that it wasn't milk, but blood coming out. I was in agony for a long, long time last night. I am pretty sure the neighbors heard me scream. Maybe even the next block. My kids were pretty sure I over reacted a bit, until I offered to show them the blood as it dripped out of me.

So, Donnie says that we should have Drew sleep upstairs for a week so we can let Sam cry it out in his crib at night. Oh, no. Not gonna happen. I know people do that, and the kids do learn to sleep in the crib without crying. But I can't do that. Not because my kids are spoiled, but they are only little once, and you can't undo damage. Can you imagine being constantly touched, lovingly caressed all over by your mom while in utero, and then being forced out and into itchy clothes, and then not even being able to be touched? Even if they are older, I think how here is this little guy who just needs his mom's loving hugs and singing and he is plopped in a crib to cry and cry alone until he passes out in exhaustion. What is he thinking? "Why won't mommy come get me? Doesn't she love me anymore? I just want my mommy, where is mommy? Mommy! Don't you love me?!" No, I can't do it. I know that sweet baby is not in that crib thinking how he can manipulate mom with his crying. They do eventually learn to sleep alone, I'm not going to torture them when they don't understand.
If you do it that way, I'm sorry, but I just can't, and I don't judge you for it, but my heart breaks for my child crying for me. If I can meet my child's legitimate need, I will.
8:06, Sam is crying. Gotta go!

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Workship said...

I'm with you on the cryin-it-out thing. Just haven't been able to do that. I visualize the same speech. I've been up so much the last few days with her cold. But despite the lack of sleep, they are only little once. I'm glad to comfort them (or give them to older siblings for awhile). They do have the touch sometimes. So fun to watch.
PS. We have a big Dec break, so wondering if sometime would work to get tog and figure out the blog sidebars, etc. I'll call. TX
Happy Thanksgiving!

Carina said...

Poor little guy! And poor Mommy!

Everyone told me to let my oldest cry it out, but every time we tried his asthma would act up and he would vomit. Needless to say, we didn't try more than once all the way to that stage. To this day he gets an asthma cough if he cries too much about something.