Our 7 Qtpies

November 20, 2007

Hey, can we slow the train down?

Thanksgiving is coming way to fast! Stop this crazy thing! There is no way I am going to be ready. It is Tuesday night and I haven't even thought about a grocery list yet. I have the turkey thawing and a pie ordered, but that is it. My house is taking a million times longer to clean than I want, but if the kids would actually HELP we might get somewhere, but they must tag team on taking my flap or something, I just do the rounds yelling at them for not working and the other kids not being yelled at skip out of the radar and stop working. Right now I could show you Hope-Anne playing with some sort of string instead of cleaning the stuff I swept out of from under the love seat. I should time her. She caught me watching and started to clean again. And called me evil for blogging about her. And told me not to type everything she says. The wire is still in her hands, though. I think she's waiting for me to stop watching her so she can go back to playing with it. LOL
On the bright side, Drew is actually doing a great job. Devon is driving me nuts, and Donnie is going to get it when he gets home. He is home just as I typed that, so I should go chew him out for the 23 soda cans I took out of his "corner" of the living room and under the love seat.
I asked him to guess how many cans we found of his and he guessed "15" with a very guilty face. Umm, no, 23, and there was one of mine, but he did sneak one of mine when he was out, so it was probably his.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Unknown said...

Have your kids been visiting my house and whispering "hints to get out of housework" to my kids? Because they do all these things exactly as you described, except when they are caught playing instead of working, they somehow figure out how that "play" was somehow "really work in disguise." Like playing with legos instead of putting them away (nevermind that they're too old to play with legos and they never had any interest in them before this). They tell me they have to build a building so the legos will be "neat and tidy" before they go in the closet. Hmmm. Oh yeah, I just remembered that all kids are born with this knowledge. I know you're frustrated, but I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one.

Carina said...

This is where I'm eternally grateful that we don't ever celebrate holidays at my house. We're always at a Grandma's place.