Our 7 Qtpies

January 15, 2008

Almost there!

Samuel slept through the night on Sunday night! It was about 12:30am to 7:30am, but it was great!
Last night he woke up a few times (3) but he stayed in his bed. I went in and soothed him a little, and out he went.
I had to wake him up for our M.O.Ms group this morning, so he was so tired when we got home! He just passed out on the couch before lunch. That will be tomorrow's Wordless Wednesday.

5 people think my kids are qtpies:

Julie said...

Hi, Lisa. I'm trying to email you, but it keeps bouncing back to me. Would you send me your new email address?

Mine is

Thanks! :)

Carina said...

Yea for Sammy!

Laura Paxton said...

as my dad would say, "Progress! Our most important by-product!"

Sassyfrazz said...

That is super! I so want Maddie to sleep through the night. Times like this I wonder why I want more childeren. Then, they go and smile or giggle at me...or pat my back, cuddle with me....kiss me...etc., then, I don't doubt the idea of more babies. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome!! My daughter is 38 and I STILL remember those sleepless nights. :)