Our 7 Qtpies

January 19, 2008

Wowser, I guess my humor doesn't read well!

I had a huge complaint, chastisement about talking about Kaytlin.
If anyone else thinks that I was actually serious, I'm sorry, because it is a fun, long-running joke in our family.
Kaytlin reads my blog, her friends read my blog, and it is funny to them. Kaytlin pretty much goaded me into writing about it because it is funny to us.
So, for the record:
I am not competing for my husband's affections with her, and I do not have preconceived notions about a daughter that she doesn't live up to, she has exceeded my expectations of how amazing a child of mine could ever turn out. I am beyond thrilled with her, not disappointed in her, and she knows it, I have repeatedly told her how much more mature and Godly she is than I was even in my mid-20's.
I was not gossiping and backbiting my child. It was in fun, and she started the fun, so I know she is good with it.
I did not air family issues, because this is not a family issue, it is a family game!
Kaytlin is extremely obedient and I was not bringing her to wrath.
Kaytlin will not only get a kick out of the posts, but will really laugh at me being chastised for it. She will have had her day made, and will joke about this for months. It will be endless fodder for her to say how I was making rude comments about her on my blog and how I hurt her, and then she will cackle with delight.
I would definitely post about a problem I have with someone who doesn't read my blog if I needed to vent or get opinions or help. sometimes just the right person will come along and help you face a situation and change your attitude.
I don't have conflict to resolve in this instance, so Matthew 18:15 doesn't apply, there is nothing private to discuss.
I definitely do not have negative feelings about my daughter. Anyone who knows her at all knows how amazing she is, my only real complaint about her would be the occasional eye rolling or disrespectful comment during certain times of the month. And as a matter of fact, I put that in the posts.
"Kaytlin is a great kid, and she doesn't ask for things, Donnie just wants to give her what she loves and desires. She does not take advantage of it at all. I would have, well, I DO take advantage of it, lol. She is also a very good girl, rarely in trouble for anything, and the most trouble she ever gets into is a bit of arguing with us or rolling her eyes, and that is 90% of the time during PMS. I think she got in trouble for disrespect one time."
Oh, my goodness, I can just hear the laughing she is going to do when she gets home and reads this! Oh, and I hope you enjoy this, too, Samantha! LOL (friend of Kaytlin's)
I hope I addressed all the points made. I know the comment was made in love, but was off base with what was actually going on. I don't want it to sound like we really have issues, so I hope this clears it up.

10 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to always come across the way we want to, on the internet. I've had my fair share of someone talking what I say to be the opposite of what I intended.

You said it perfectly. For those who really know you, know what you mean. Sounds to me like Kaytlin is a girl with a wonderful sense of humor and you're a great mom. :D

Michelle said...

Oops - sorry, that last post was by me. lol

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is hard to make everyone try to understand what you are saying because there is no tone and no voice! I think you did a great job!

Jessie said...

I knew what you were saying - I've been there! Knowing that your kids probably read your blog means that they know where what you were saying is coming from. Not knowing you personally, but knowing a little of your faith and beliefs - you wouldn't be shallow and backbite your children over the internet or anytime....geesh people!

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I have had this problem on my blog as well -- with people misreading me or misunderstanding me. Everyone is reading through the lens of their own experience, some things don't come across as well in writing as in person, and people are only seeing a small part of us. That means not everyone will understand everything all the time. Seems to go with the blogging territory!

Michelle said...

*Tagged you for a meme. :D*

Carina said...

So funny. Kaitlyn's really going to have fun with this one, I bet.

Jackie said...

I think the key is that Kaytlin does read your blog. I think you ought to have Kaytlin write a guest post rebuttal. : )

And it's very true that tone does not always translate well into print. Don't worry about it. You know what you meant, Kaytlin knows what you meant and the rest of us get a glimpse into some crazy Qtpie life!

Qtpies7 said...

Kaylin won't write a rebuttal, she's chicken.

Kris said...

Sometimes people just don't understand dorky family humor. You know what would hurt one of your kids, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't post something deliberately hurtful.

Smile, some of us still love ya!