Our 7 Qtpies

September 19, 2008

Who knew?

Who knew how refreshing a good nights sleep could be?

Sam has been waking up either, fussing, crying or full-on screaming almost every night for the last year or so. I don't remember when it wasn't going on. We have had a few nights where he slept, but they are rare.

Last night Donnie and I went to bed and left Sam up with Cody watching super hero cartoons. Usually Sam will follow close behind me because he misses me. But last night Sam and Cody ended up watching TV upstairs and sleeping on the loveseat together. (weird when you think downstairs they had two couches and a loveseat to sleep on) Sam never got up and came to me, crying or otherwise.

I slept. And it was nice! Except for the bad dream. My local friends will get a kick out of this.

Dave F. murdered a teenager, whom I didn't know. But Drew and Dave R. witnessed it, even took pictures with a Sparkies digital camera. Drew told me, and I put a blackmail note and the camera in Dave R's house somewhere, having become confused about which Dave did it. Then talking with Cindy, Dave R's wife, I realized the mix up and tried to get the blackmail note back, but Dave must have already found it. But I couldn't find Dave R to talk to him. Which was strange since I was at a birthday party for his kid.

Then Donnie rudely woke me up wanting clean clothes. (which were all in the washing machine)

7 people think my kids are qtpies:

Grandma J said...

That's hiarious! And I thought I had weird dreams. Last night I dreamt I had a job interview with none other than Mabel Coborn! She's the matriarch of the entire Coborn's clan. She hired me in my I don't know what their problem is over at our local store. I actually have decorated a few cakes for Mabel in the past, and she was happy with them. Maybe I shoulda told them that.
Anyway, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep. I would think you'd wake up exhausted after running around blackmailing people though! LOL! See ya tomorrow.

Carina said...

Yeah for a full night's sleep!

Lisa said...

LOL sounds like the dreams I have been having lately which have been more on the WAY CRAZY side.
Glad you slept and are feeling a bit better. Yeah for Sam sleeping all night and giving you a good nights sleep.

Canoearoo said...


Kris said...

Were you nipping my narcotic cough medicine before bed?

YAY for sleep!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you'll have to tell Dave F this...all caught on the Sparkies camera - huh! Watch out Nancy Drew!!

Sassyfrazz said...

It's amazing what lack of sleep will do to your dreams! That is a weird dream! lol~ yep, tell Dave!

How are you feeling?? I heard you were sick.