Our 7 Qtpies

April 17, 2009

Is there nowhere safe?

I have a rule in my house that is non-negotiable; no one rides alone in a car with someone of the opposite sex. Period. Not negotiable.
However, the choice was taken out of my hands for driver's ed when the last class was individual with the instructor. I was not happy about it at all. Even though I thought he was a great teacher and a nice guy.

Guess what? I should have really fought it. That teacher that was alone with both of my oldest two children is in prison right now for having child pornography on his school computer. This doesn't mean that he molested anyone in our school, but that he had a sexual interest in minors. And he was alone with two of my children.

Parents, please, please make this rule for your family and don't make exceptions. It isn't safe for your children to be alone with people, even if you trust them. Even if they pass background checks. You do. not. know.

My initial reason for this rule was to protect my marriage. I don't think it is safe to ride with someone else, even if it is just for appearance. The Bible says to avoid even the appearance of evil, and if someone thinks you might be cheating on your spouse, it could lose your witness. However, not riding alone also protects you from someone who would try to seduce you, and if rebuffed would make false accusations that could destroy your family. (I've watched that happen to a family) It protects you from succumbing to that temptation. It protects your children from predators, and from temptation.

Be safe. Don't take chances with your family.

1 people think my kids are qtpies:

Marlene McGarrity said...

I have never heard anyone speak about this, but I love what you have wrote.

I have heard people discuss that verse of the Bible, but never brought this topic up.

Well said and it will be a rule adopted in my home.