Our 7 Qtpies

April 23, 2009

Local honey brings allergy relief

Spring has sprung here in Minnesota, and brought along with it allergy season. Allergies to pollens can range from a minor annoyance to a major problem. When it is in your young child, though, you are moved to relieve their suffering. Medications can make your child drowsy, not conducive with enjoying the newly warm weather.

A trip to the local farmer's market may be just the thing to bring relief to those watery eyes and itchy noses. Honey made from local bees is said to work like an allergy shot. Rather than a drug that relieves symptoms, honey has small amounts of digested pollens that trigger responses in the body, possibly preparing it for the onslaught of spring pollens to come.

Continue reading Local honey brings allergy relief.........

Image by Peter Shanks

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