Our 7 Qtpies

April 23, 2009

Need ideas

I am looking for some ideas for my newspaper column. I very specifically need fashion shops for children for Fashion Find Friday. I have featured Polliwalks, U*Neaks, and Happy Panda, got any other great places to have featured?
If you are a shop owner, please email me! If you know a great shop, please leave me a link.

I would also love some ideas on articles that would be interesting to parents of children under school age.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

byoc said...

Have you written about when to start teaching manners? How about when to start feeding solid foods. What kinds of formula to use if you don't or can't breat feed? Should you let your baby cry? How to select a baby sitter. What about babies in grocery carts. How old before it is ok to leave a child in the bathroom while you answer the phone?

Lisa said...

What about cool hair bow's. Spring is here what about kid sunglasses, or protective wear for the beach, sun proof clothes etc.

How about what age can you leave your children alone with an older sibling, how about legally leaving your kids at home with a sibling.