Our 7 Qtpies

April 29, 2009

Now that the cat is out of the bag

Not that it was in the bag more than a day, just long enough for us to try to figure out what on earth had happened, I guess I can tell about it.

A couple of weeks ago I had a conversation with Trinity about prayer and she was learning to talk to God. She prayed that God would give us a baby and that it would be a sister. I had to tell her that sometimes God says no, sometimes yes, and sometimes we have to wait.

Last weekend was the youth group trip and I knew I was due to start my period on Thursday, it hadn't started when I left on Friday, so I figured I had miscalculated or my cycle really is getting screwed up, according to my dear friend who enjoys charting things with me, she says I am getting old. I brought supplies on the trip and got busy chaperoning.

Everything was constant motion. I walked, in heeled boots, miles and miles in Duluth. I went to classes and speakers and sight seeing. It was BUSY.

Sunday night on the way home I realized that I hadn't started yet. I tried looking my chart up on my phone, but I couldn't see what day I was on, so I gave up. Later in the evening, after everything settled down and I was relaxing at the computer I remembered. I checked and found I had been mistaken, I was supposed to start on Friday, but even on my longest cycle, I should have started sometime on Sunday.

At this point I am really thinking that I am mistaken or my cycle is screwed up. I couldn't be pregnant. Not after the 2 years I have been praying for another child! I had finally given up and realized that it was probably a great idea not to have more children, it is tough watching a baby with Sam and Trinity around, I am fine. Grandkids will come in a few years, right?

Kaytlin ordered me to go get a test because she was going to her friend Sam's house for movie night and apparently Sam asks her every time she sees her "Is your mom pregnant?" Kaytlin wanted to be able to finally tell her YES!

I went to the store, but it was late, so the pharmacy was closed. I had to go to the service counter and wait in line and get someone to walk over and unlock the case for me. I was shaking and scared like I was a naughty teenager all over again. I didn't know if I was more afraid to be pregnant or not be pregnant.

When I got home I had decided I was not taking it, I just couldn't be pregnant, and it would be a waste of a test. But Kaytlin strongly encouraged me to do it.

Well, it was a pink line, but it was faint. Faint enough that we could try to deny it, but in reality, it was pink, and that means pregnant. So I didn't accept it yet. I took another in the morning, it was an even LIGHTER pink line! Could it get any more confusing? Why couldn't it just be definite? Meanwhile I am still denying, but one more day late.

I couldn't stand it, so I asked Donnie if we could just try another test. He wanted to wait, but Drew was going to to the store so he said he'd pick one up for me. This time one with a plus sign, so we'd be sure.

Drew goes and has to get customer service to open up the cabinet for him, too. It was uncomfortable enough being 19 and buying a test, but standing there with a 12 year old girl buying a test........ well, he was a bit uncomfortable! LOL (he had Hope-Anne with him)

Sure enough, there was a plus sign, but again, the line was faint, but clearly blue. UGH! But by morning it was dry enough to tell that there was no doubt.

And then the real positive came in. Morning sickness hit. Unbelievable! I cannot be sick this fast! That is not normal for me, and it is NOT FAIR! I would like some time to even be able to adjust to the whole idea before I start adjusting to my new life of living on the couch 24/7.

So Trinity's prayer was answered right away, and it also happened to be the week of our 20th Anniversary, who needs jewelry? LOL

I'm doing OK as long as I keep a steady stream of barbeque chips going down. So much for my 19 pound weight loss. I guess I can look forward to the 20 I am going to puke off this summer, and the fact that I get out of camping again!

11 people think my kids are qtpies:

Jackie said...

This is too funny! I've had many a pregnancy that started out like this -- lines that would barely show -- but a line is a line! Congratulations! I'm so thrilled for you!

Lisa said...

It's still exciting... I have only gained 5 lb total and she will be here on the 7th. Am I bragging you bet, but to be honest having the gestinational diatbtius (sp) there was no way I could gain a ton anyways, that and the morning sickness I have had on and off all of this pregnancy has kept the weight from piling on. The ultra sound this week tells us Sailor will be close to 8 lbs when she gets here and she is doing super well do the doctors are not worried about the small weight gain.

Grandma J said...

So...since God answered sweet Trinity's prayer...we can be pretty sure you've got a little girl on the way, right??

Unknown said...

Loved this post..God is awesome

Carina said...

Maybe God will give Trinity an extra blessing and it'll be two sisters!

That would explain the early onset of morning sickness.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, my baby #8 will be here any day now. before I knew I was prego and at the beginning, I lost 18 lbs on Weight Watchers. I have since gained that back plus only 7 more, so when I have this baby and lost almost 25 lbs, I should right back down there. so don't worry about gaining the weight back, just try not to gain much over that, becuse you'lll lose 20-25 lbs in 8 more months :)

my #8 is a result of my girls praying for twin boys (there's only 1 boy tho)! I thought maybe I was done too since my youngest will be 4 this summer.

Kris said...

Well now.....that'll teach YOU not to pay attention when kids pray! Of course, my girls have been praying for a boy for.....three years? Hmm....God still does have a sense of humor, no?

BBQ chips, huh? Wow...those are one of my off-the-list things--they actually make me sick! Go fig. Girl, I feel for you, I couldn't even handle one DAY of morning sickness. You're a brave woman. Oh, and apparently kidney infections are a great way to lose weight while pregnant too! I just finished my second round of antibiotics and I'm sure to get fussed at again because my 2-gallon-a-day of water habit has flushed six pounds from my system in a month's time! Wow.

Cheryl Pitt said...

Ahhhh! I'm so happy for you! (I'm doing my happy dance) How exciting. Isn't Gods timing beautiful? He gave you a child After a financial hardship, which you weathered trusting in him, and he blessed you through it.

Karen said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! I am happy for you. :-)

Canoearoo said...

So happy for you!!!

Cheryl Pitt said...

I was thinking about you and your news today and I had to ask, how do you deal with labor? Do you have anxiety?

I've only had 2 children. But when I was preggo with my 2nd I was more scared of labor than with my first, even though I knew what to expect. And even though my 2nd labor lasted less than a third of the time my 1st did it hurt sooooo much worse. What's been the history of your labor experience?

Oooo, you should do a week of birth stories!!