Our 7 Qtpies

April 18, 2009

One of those things you never say...

You know how in parenting you say things like "He never eats that." and then he does? Whatever it is, it happens the opposite. Or "It couldn't get any worse than that." and of course, it does.
That happened today. OK, so it has been happening consistently since Samuel was born.

Trinity took every single thing that drove us nuts with the older kids, and put them all down in the puny category. Her playing in poop every. single. day. drove me nearly to the brink. Then Sam came along and I knew it couldn't get any worse than Trinity. But it did. He used to eat his own poop or the cat's poop. He still has a big love for dog and cat food to this day. And he keeps getting more and more gross.

Tonight I told Donnie to come watch the kids while I concentrate on washing dishes and cleaning up the house. I hear him yelling at Sam, (not meanly) and he is all agitated. I figure he's pooped and Donnie stepped in it or something gross. Nope. No poop. And I know you will be especially glad to read that, Sarah!

Trinity had been cleaning up the straws she dumped out on the table and Sam took one. Donnie caught him with a mouthful of water and a straw. But no cup. "Sam, where'd you get the water?" So Sam walks into the bathroom and spits the water into the toilet. Oh, yes, I am going there. He did. He started to reach that straw into the toilet for another mouthful.

Donnie was gagging and yelling at Sam. "That is so gross! You don't do that! That is soooo wrong!" With gagging between sentences. I was cracking up!

But I wonder, can you put toilet water in your mouth and not get sick? LOL Should I call poison control? LOL

So, the moral of the story is this: Never say it can't get any more gross than this. It can.

8 people think my kids are qtpies:

Joyful Noise said...




Lisa said...

At least there were no floaters.. and I am hoping the water was not yellow...I know my young ones forget to flush once in awhile...

Anna said...

Your kids really do keep you moving. Just think when the day comes in 20 years and he is about to kiss his first girl you can remind him of the things he used to put in his mouth it will make good laughs.

It brings new meaning to the phrase "and your going to kiss me with that mouth"

Canoearoo said...

and you wonder why your family is so sick!

Anonymous said...


Marlene McGarrity said...

Gross, but sooooooooo funny!

Jackie said...


Grandma J said...

Hey, it doesn't seem to affect our dogs! Yeah, those kids will always find a way to make a liar out of ya, won't they?