Our 7 Qtpies

April 23, 2009

Swear word poll

The other day I had had enough. I see Christian kids, kids I know have their own professed faith in God, not just Christian parents, doing things on facebook like saying "wtf?" and it drives me crazy!
That sparked a debate over here.

I don't have a problem with the use of the word Hell, it is an actual place, but I think it could be used as a swear word. I DO think the word "pissed" or "pisses" is a swear word and I don't think it has a place in teens vocab. Drew disagrees. And apparently so do many Christian teens.

Am I wrong? *gasp!*

Take my poll and leave a comment on what you think about teens using the abbreviations, like wtf. Is it OK if they don't actually write out the word?

*amended to add that when used for peeing, piss is an accurate word, though a little harsh sounding, lol. Just say peepee, OK?

12 people think my kids are qtpies:

Grandma J said...

FYI...the word "pisseth" is in the KJV bible. And yes, I do agree with you about some of the other uses...I'm getting after my own daughter about some of those very things right now. I think they just see so much of it with IMing and texting and such that they don't even think about it.

Grandma J said...

Here is a link to the passages that contain the word piss/pisseth on

Qtpies7 said...

Yes, if you use it for taking a piss, it is not a swear word, if you use it in place of being mad, it is a swear word, in my humble but accurate opinion, lol.

Did you see that verse on eating their poop and drinking their pee with each other? NASTY! Thanks for that!

bryce said...

I forget where specifically, but in one of the early chapters of Matthew it says something about cursing like 'Make it a simple "yes" or a "no", anything else is not needed' (paraphrased of course). But anyway it's saying just say yes or no not "F*** yes," or "H*** no"


byoc said...

I absolutely agree with you on the wtf initials. I hate it. It makes me tired. When I hear people swear, especially in almost every sentence, I get physically and emotionally tired. It's offensive, invading, just plain yukky!!!! Oh, by the way, I don't like the word piss either.

Joyful Noise said...

The intention is the same whether you use the abbreviation or not! You are using it in a swearing manner...not okay!

This is what happens when parents are afraid to hurt their children's feelings....not you of course but others....

Qtpies7 said...

Guess what? I caught Donnie doing abbreviations in a chat last night! LOL I chewed him out but good!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you! I don't even like my kids to say "oh my gosh". not because gosh is a bad word, but it sounds the same as God at the beginning and makes people think you're going to take God's name in vain. I prefer them to say oh my goodness or gracious. jmho :)

Carina said...

We weren't even allowed to say "fart" when I was little. My brother called it, "the f word." My mom has a real problem with all her christian high school kids who say "sucks" all the time. It comes from a really bad phrase, but they just use it like it's nothing.

Sassyfrazz said...

I agree with you...abbrv. mean the real deal, just shortened up. I do agree...pissed, or pisses is meant as a "soft" swearing.

Kris said...

Well, I've always said that profanity of any sort is the sure sign of a poor vocabulary...and the whole abbreviation thing is just a condensed form of it all anyway. Personally, I believe that Christians are to take the admonition to "flee the very appearance of evil" seriously, especially if we're to be viewed by the world as "set apart" and holy. I don't want my speech or my children's to fit in with that of their peers--I want it to be acceptable to GOD.

My own barometer? If you wouldn't use a phrase, don't use it's abbreviation. And would you feel comfortable using a word or phrase around your grandmother, your church elders, or Christ Himself? Then it should NOT be in your vocabulary.

Penny Raine said...

Excellent article. I wholeheartedly agree, and none of those words are allowed here, as well as several other King James words. And if someone tries using them more than once I very boldly tell them that if I hear it again I am going to explain to them exactly what word it is that they are really saying and exactly what it really means. I have never had to. :) Thank you Jesus.