Our 7 Qtpies

September 21, 2009


Spiders and I do not get along. I am petrified of them. I know it isn't rational. Most of them are not poisonous to me. They are all a LOT smaller than I am. But they are sneaky and creepy and evil looking. They terrify me! I can't even pick up a dead one with a paper towel.
I will admit, I am getting more brave, though. I actually took pictures of TWO spiders this week.

I went away for a couple of days and of course the kids don't think it is their job to load the dishwasher, just let the sink fill up until "someone else" cleans it up. Well, while I was gone they saw a web in the sink. The knocked it down, but didn't bother finding the spider or cleaning the dishes out. So, the spider built another web. Which is what is keeping ME from loading the dishwasher.

I moved a pot off the top of the pile of dishes and found the wolf spider.
Those little things (they aren't all little, they do get quite big) are hairy and ugly and make funnel type webs. We have them bad. I am scared to do my laundry! So I bought a bunch of Hedge Balls and Donnie put them in the basement like the instructions said to do. My basement is reportedly free of spiders. But they all moved upstairs.


Donnie was so sweet. I posted this pic on facebook and said that he better come kill it or there would be no clean dishes. He came down and didn't just flush it away with water, which would make me afraid it was hiding in those dishes or would crawl back up the drain and eat me. He know that about me. So he trapped it in a bottle so I could see he got it and it is OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!

Isn't he awesome?!!

(though I am suspicious that he actually let it go outside rather than threw the bottle out with it trapped inside. so I think it will be back to get vengeance.)

3 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

LOL I know your fear, I duct taped the bottom of the laundry room door because there was a black widow sitting right out side the door...I just knew if I didnt do that it would some how get in the house and bite me or the kids...

Carina said...

My husband and kids were playing with a wolf spider at his Grandma's house this Sunday. It was stinkin' huge! Ick! Probably a good 3 inches in diameter!

Kris said...

It's a good thing you don't live in Texas, girlie.....

I, indisposed one day when we lived in El Paso, and next to my bum in the wastebasket I heard a rustling...and then a thump. Over and over again...

I looked down and saw a HUGEMONGOUS (we're talking at least five inches across) wolf spider trying to get out of the trash can just inches from my hiney!!! Thankfully he was too heavy to get out, so it made him easy to transport....OUTSIDE!

EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get heebie jeebies even thinking about it now!