Our 7 Qtpies

September 22, 2009

What were we thinking?

I don't know why we have dogs at all, but why do we have THREE?????
And how on earth do you potty train a puppy? We take them out all the time. The pups will poop 3-4 times outside, then come in and you think, they should be empty now, but NOoooOOO. They poop again.
The like to wrestle. And that is fine, but they have to wrestle at my feet. And unplug my laptop or pull my mouse off the table right out of my hand.

And my dog smells funny. He needs to go to the groomer again. Ugh.

Anyone want some dogs?

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Jackie said...

The only thing we did right about our Labrador is to get him at six months! And then we (meaning my husband) had to beat him to stop pooping in the formal dining room! I mean, come on, dog! The formal dining room!

Now, thank God, it's a distant memory. Now he only poops in the formal dining room (his only spot) when someone forgets to take him out. And I don't let that happen!

Carina said...

I'm telling you...hermit crabs are way easier!