Our 7 Qtpies

September 13, 2009

I coined a new phrase

Man stupid.
I know that men don't like to listen to women's problems. I know that it gets worse when it is the same problem over and over and over and over and over. But before we married them, they were more than willing to listen and offer great sympathetic words that let you know that they cared and understood.
After you've been married, oh, 10 minutes, it all comes to a screeching halt and they get Man stupid.
You know what I mean. You want to talk out your emotions, your frustrations; they want you to shut up and bring them a beer. OK, so Donnie isn't a beer drinker, but still, he doesn't want to listen to it, especially more than once. After it gets to the point that I am in tears, he will try to be a good husband and listen, and offer sympathetic words. But men's sympathetic words come out like this "Get over it and trust God already." Man stupid. (not that he said those words, but that is how it comes out)
Donnie is very intelligent, but I am going through some intense grief about twice a month, and he doesn't feel the same way as I do, so he doesn't sympathize, and he's heard it before, so he just doesn't know what to say, lol. It's pretty frustrating for both of us.
After one of those stupid comments I told him he was Man Stupid, and he thought that was pretty funny, though he thinks he is Woman Stupid.
Don't you just love married life and communication issues?

5 people think my kids are qtpies:

Carina said...

Yeah, you're right, it's completely different than other things. I have very intelligent man, but occasionally he is Man Stupid too.

Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy said...

So wrong and yet so right :) I'm sorry you're going through such a difficult time. If it's about the baby and future babies, my situation is different, but I know what it's like to face down the possibility of not having any more. I'm sorry.

Qtpies7 said...

Yes, most of it is realted to having more kids and losing the baby. I'm also going through some leadership issues at church that make me want to step down and possibly leave our church completely. It is HARD pressing forward some days.

Cynthia said... 'em:P

Anonymous said...

We appreciate you, your contributions, and your stupid man. We need constant grace and forgiveness as a church, and as a gender. Thanks for the fun.
