Our 7 Qtpies

November 11, 2009

Back on the Sensa wagon!

I was thrilled with the results I had with Sensa when I was on it. I lost 20lbs with only sprinkling it on my food, I didn't change anything else, no exercise or added water to my diet. It works, and if you do it right, with the eating 3 meals and snacks and drinking the right amount of water, throw in some exercise, I think you have an amazing power behind your weight loss!
So what happened? Well, right at the end of the 6 months I found out I was pregnant and then had the tubal rupture. Emotionally I quit everything, and now I am ready to get back on Sensa and get healthy.
Back to square one, I am going to be sprinkling again, and I am going to try to increase my water intake, but don't hold your breath on 8 glasses a day. I am also going to work toward more exercise, but don't hold your breath that it will be daily or hard. I will walk more and try to make every day chores into exercise.

I am really excited about the upcoming book by Sensa: The Sensa Weight-Loss Program: The Accidental Discovery That's Transforming the Way People Lose Weight. It is very exciting to use Sensa and find your appetite not only diminishing, but also craving healthy foods and having no desire for the bad foods. But what I think is exciting about the addition of the book is that I am hoping to be inspired in the harder things, like exercise.

This is not a diet book. The Sensa® Weight-Loss Program is a complete, overall health system that is anchored by the Sensa® Weight-Loss product and helps you to lose weight while eating. The program not only includes an explanation of how the product was developed, but goes further to include an exercise plan, foods and fabulous recipes that you can include in your regular meal plan. This book will explain how our ability to taste and smell is part of the protective mechanisms that encourage us to eat, and is also part of the system that sends signals to the satiety, or fullness center in the brain that tells us to stop eating. The Sensa® Weight-Loss Program is simple and easy to incorporate into your everyday activities.
"Dr. Hirsch presents a most practical and innovative approach to weight loss, incorporating as well the tenets of his prior works on taste and smell--an enjoyable read." -- Dr. Edward, J. Herba

If you would like to try Sensa with me, as a reader of my blog you can try Sensa for 30 days for free, and will get a $25 discount card to You pay shipping and get a 60 day supply, if you don't like it (but you will) you keep the supply and will be billed for the 60 day supply, if you don't like it, return it and you will have only paid shipping. (and I am sure you will have lost 5lbs)
If you would like to order, head over to Sensa, I don't think you will be sorry you did.

2 people think my kids are qtpies:

Sassyfrazz said...

I was trying out the Sensa, and had some health thing go on. I need to try it again, and write my post.

Marci said...

I just got my 1st month last week and decided to start on monday. I'm excited and will be posting a week by week account. I am also going to be getting tips from, a free website to track calories,fat,carbs,protein and get points for virtual medals. Mostly just for inspiration. Good luck on your restart- your previous attempt has inspired me and I am looking forward to starting tomorrow!