Our 7 Qtpies

April 23, 2010


Last night we had a sort of family night (except Kaytlin who refused) by watching Avatar. Half of us hadn't seen it yet, so it was funny to watch the little kids watch it. There is a fight scene (OK, almost all of it is fighting) where the creatures were losing and out of the forest comes these sort of Hammerhead type Rhinos that can't be shot. Sam screams out "Yes! I love those things!"
After the movie we sent the kids off to bed. I made sure even the teens got to their rooms and I headed off to bed. As I lay there watching some NCIS I could hear Cody and Brian talking excitedly below us in their room. I just had this feeling that I should pray for them. I prayed that God would protect them from harm and danger. They soon quieted down.
Then Donnie bolted upright in bed, alarmed, and asked if that was the dog whining. I got up and checked, but it didn't continue. Then, about 5 minutes later Parker started crying like someone was hurting him!
Donnie and I flew out of bed and ran down to the basement, where Parker ran to us all distressed. I started hollering to Cody asking what happened to Parker. No answer.
I went over and pulled the curtain to his room aside and it was empty. And the window was open. Now, I have to tell you, this window is a typical basement window, quite narrow, and they only had half of that to crawl through, but crawl out they had. 1:30 in the morning!

I was TICKED! Donnie decided he would just hang out on Cody's bed and wait for their return and sent me back to bed. Not that I could sleep, or anything.
Sure enough, about 2:45 they started shining lights in the window, I'm sure thinking they would need to silence the dog who was actually kenneled upstairs. Donnie pulled the blanket over his head and waited for them to crawl in the window. When Brian was in Donnie pulled the blanket down and said "Hi, Brian." "Crap." Cody sat in the window stuttering a bit, so Donnie invited him in. lol

Totally priceless!

They weren't very bright. They are going on a weekend trip this weekend and the night before decide to sneak out and go for a run in the middle of the night. Mmmhmmm. Stupid. I know, seems gullible, but they actually did go for a run. We told them to get some sleep, 6am comes fast.
We got them up and started them on their long day of yard work and extreme running. Then I ratted Brian out to his mom. I felt bad telling her, she is in the hospital and can't really deal with it right now, but I would want to know.
We did end up letting them go on their trip, but they will be continuing the work at both homes when they get back, lol.

4 people think my kids are qtpies:

Joyful Noise said...

Ooops! Yes - who would go running much less at 1:30 in the morning...Love that Donnie just waited for them to get back - wish I could have seen their faces!

Mrs. Stam said...

Oh dear, what were they thinking!!! Boys LOL

Lisa said...

So BUSTED LOL! Hey we watched Avatar for the first time last night too.

Sassyfrazz said...

whoops! Good thing you listened to the Holy Spirit and prayed. Glad they're alright! I bet the look on their faces were priceless! Ha!