Our 7 Qtpies

August 02, 2007

The BIG Reveal!

A week or so ago, my mom told me that she thinks I should write for a magazine. Now, being that it came from my mom, I just laughed it off, not because my mom isn't smart, but because she is biased about me. But then Kaytlin didn't laugh about it, so maybe I should think about it. Donnie didn't even laugh, though he wasn't enthusiastic, he said he thought I could do it. I'm not really looking for a magazine to write for yet or anything.

Well, I was going along checking out blogs and things and came across a new site about mom blogs. Nell at Casual Friday Every Day started a new website for mom bloggers called MomsBlogging.
Nell has two podcasts up right now, which is a great feature of this new site.
While reading through the site, which I found because Heather was featured on there, I saw that Nell was looking for a columnist for contests. All my readers know I LOVE contests, and my mom thinks I am a good writer, so I applied! Now, personally, I think that I was the only one looking for the position, because I don't think I'm all that great, lol, but my family thinks its great!
I waited to make the big announcement until my first Contest Frenzy post was up. It is now up!
I will be featuring contests on mom blogs in the column. So, hopefully, I will not fill as much space here with contests, though I will still be linking to them in order to enter if I need to! Plus the other great contests that are not on mom blogs, like the crazy guy who is giving away $2500!
I don't do this for pay, so make my day and leave a comment over there! I work for comments, people!
For now I plan to post on Thursdays, but that may change. I need a few days to find all the contests, and I need to get them posted before the end, which is usually Friday or Saturday, so I may change to Wednesdays. We'll see. If you find great contests, please pass them on to me! And if you are a mom blogger who is going to have a contest, give me a heads up so I can get it out there for you.
Now, this is just ONE of my August events! The other will have to wait a bit longer, but it will be worth it, and it will be featured in my column...........

8 people think my kids are qtpies:

Anonymous said...

I'm so honored to have as part of the MomsBlogging team! I know your column is going to be a massive hit with everyone!


Anonymous said...


Carina said...

How you even find time to breath, let alone become so super-blog-savvy, is beyond me! Good luck on your column, though!

JAM said...

Our widdle gurl is aw gwowed up. I need a tissue.

Congratulations on the new column.

Anonymous said...

LOL!! I just got notified of that. So I haven't had
a secret to keep for very long. I was going to email
you in just a few minutes anyways to tell ya. You
beat me to it!


Mrs. Stam said...

I 'll try to have a wrap (made by myself) to give away sometime in Aug, so i'll keep you posted

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You will be a great person for this position. I'm glad you decided to step out and give it a try.

Kris said...

Congrats! Sounds like fun times ahead for you!